18. You Can't Spell Fuck Without A 'U'

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The woman chuckled deeply as she took in the sight before her. She had become quite accustomed to waking up and seeing Piper sleeping peacefully beside her, but the sight never ceased to put a smile on her face. And vice versa. Despite the fact that the girl was  asleep, a deep smile was set on her face. Neither of their faces were able to fight off the inevitable smile that formed whenever they were together.

Alex placed a soft kiss to the tip of the girl's nose and slowly pulled herself away from Piper's arms. She need to drink something. As she walked the floorboards creaked every now and again, and even from the kitchen Piper could still hear her padding feet, signifying her growing distance. But the blonde stayed in bed, figuring that Alex would be back soon enough.

Alex yawned as she opened the cupboards. From there she retrieved a glass cup and filled it to the rim with water. The cool liquid felt good against her dry tongue, and she repeated the action once more, needing to satisfy her quench. She leaned against the counter and silently drank, her eyes roaming the room. She pulled her lips into her mouth to wet them and absentmindedly chewed at the chapped skin. Her eyes lingered upon a stack of envelopes tucked under a few oven mitts.

Now, Alex was never one to snoop around other people's business, but there a certain envelope had caught her eye, and she couldn't ignore the gnawing feeling to take a closer look. She peered down the hall toward Piper's bedroom before slowly creeping over to where the object lay. Her fingers skimmed over the paper before pinching at the corners of it and pulling it out from its hiding spot.

It was a letter from a college. A college in Connecticut. Alex's breath caught in her throat. Thankfully, the envelope was already opened. Alex immediately pulled out the paper which was folded neatly inside. She squinted at the words, not having her glasses and not being able to see them very well.

However, despite the lack of decent vision, she was able to read just enough to obtain what she wanted- needed to know. She tucked the paper back into the envelope, returned the item back to where it was, removing another paper underneat. This time she almost screamed at what she saw.

A plane ticket- a plane ticket labeled "Piper Chapman" that would be flying out to Connecticut in a little over a month from now. She quickly shoved it back under the stack of envelopes and returned to the sink. She washed her cup, dried it, and put it away, then returned to bed- to Piper.

When she first walked into the room she only looked at Piper from afar, taking in her beauty. Her eyes were closed, but Alex could tell she was awake. She just knew.

Alex took three steps and was at Piper's side of the bed. There, she knelt down and tucked a strand of hair behind the girl's ear. Her heart was pounding against her chest and she feared Piper would hear it.

"Good morning." The girl said, lips curling into yet again another smile.

"Morning." Alex whispered, fingers still playing with the blonde's hair. Piper pressed a chaste kiss to the woman's lips and scooted so there would be room for Alex to lay. The woman chuckled but obediently slid in. Piper gazed at Alex for a few seconds and moved her hand to smoothen out the creases on her forehead.

"What are you thinking about?" Piper questioned, closing her eyes as she pulled Alex's arms over her, inching impossible closer. The woman laid silent for a few seconds.

"Nothing." Alex lied, forcing a relaxed look and even a small smile. Piper believed her and nodded, returning to the slumber she had previously been in. Alex just laid there, heart beating faster than ever.

She pressed a soft kiss to the girls cheek and just laid there. And even though she didn't believe in god she prayed, prayed that this was all just one big misunderstanding, prayed that she and Piper would have forever, prayed that Piper wouldn't leave.

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