Thank You to that Flame catching girl.

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AN // Dedicated to you. You know who you are. \\

Dear you,

Sometimes it feels hard to breathe and I can't say you give me life or air, but what I can say is you feel like an inhaler. A dose of cold water. Ice searing my lungs, and even though you feel like I don't appreciate you, I guess I do. I've realized, you were there when I wanted to talk. That to me, is I guess what I define support. I guess I don't thank you enough or maybe at all but I want you to know, some days when the world is crushing my shoulders, you help me smile whether I want to admit it or not. Even though I make mistakes, I push you away and wish you never met me, at the end of the day I'm relieved you're still here fighting. I know I can be a lot to handle, which I have to thank you for. I'm sorry I'm not always there, nor do I actually realize what your support and friendship means fully, but I hope one day I actually know what it truly feels like. To be honest I don't want to use the word special to describe you because that word is overused. You are a flame catching girl, we're all fireflies caught in your special net. Some leave and go, but not all. You're you, if this makes sense you don't have to be more than what people put on you or any less. You've stayed with me and vice versa, and I just want to thank you because actions are not enough. I can't show you how much I appreciate you because I can't. I don't know how.

And so thank you, for being you, for being there, and catching other fireflies in your net.

Much love from,


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