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This book's original purpose was quite personal

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This book's original purpose was quite personal. I was looking for a place where I could pour out all my feels about the books/stories that I was reading, so I made this account. Ever since before, I have always had the passion to share my thoughts on books I've read and I only had the courage just now to bring that passion to life – such a shame – thus, this account was born. I believe that this will help me improve my reading and writing skills.

But then, I realized that I wanted to reach out to both readers and writers the way nobody reached out to me. /choke sobs/ I was kidding, lol.

To writers: I would love to help them get better their crafts through my reviews. If you're not satisfied with your own editing skills and would like to ask for a second opinion, this book might be a great helping hand for you.
To readers: This book will be a great guide for you if you're in a pinch of which story to choose or you want to know if the story you wanted to read will be worth the shot.

Spread the reading and writing love! ❤

I actually hang out on the Undiscovered section of the Romance category, looking for interesting stories to review

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I actually hang out on the Undiscovered section of the Romance category, looking for interesting stories to review. If a story piqued my interest, I will openly message the writer if I could review his/her story.

But worry not.

If you find my way of reviewing very interesting [hihi thanks a lot x], and you would like me to review your story but I haven't asked you yet, then please don't hesitate to request thru conversations area or in the comments section of this book's third chapter [EDIT: I will not entertain private messages anymore]. I might have missed your story while scrolling, or maybe you're not on the Undiscovered section.

For requests, please proceed next chapter to know more about how request works for me.

xo, Koala

xo, Koala

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