Chapter 1: The Interview:

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I walked through the front door of my L.A home, taking off the high heels I was wearing and went straight to the kitchen where I started to get a bottle of wine and a wine glass. Sighing at the thought of the interview I just had was making me tired. Think about the host and the interview all together.

Earlier in the night:

Today's guest is Sarah florence, about her book 'The Lost Girl." Said the host of one of the most popular TV shows today.

I walked out and the audience started to clap their hands, taking my seat the audience calmed down.

"Hello Sarah, how are you?" asked the host with a friendly smile planted on their face.

"I'm doing good, what about you?" I asked with fake interest, but I didn't want to be rude.

"I'm wonderful" they replied with. "Now lets get back on track with your book. I heard that it's about your past, is that true?" she continued on the conversation.

"Yes, that would be true. I wrote it about my childhood and growing up, and how I felt during the good and bad times in my life. I went back and interviewed everyone in my past and asked what they thought of how I changed and everything."

"Wow sounds exciting, so what can we expect to be in the book?" they exclaimed sounding very excited.

"Sorry but I'm not giving out any spoilers. You will just have to read the book to find out" I replied with a nice smile.

"And that's all folks, after the break Stacey with the weather. Now lets hear it for our special guest Sarah Florence, and make sure to read her new book The Lost Girl."The room erupted into claps and cheers. I waved good bye to them and walked off the stage.

Back to present time:

Walking to the lounge room I sat down on my couch and waited for my husband to come home. I can't believe that host. Saying that my child hood would be exciting when they haven't even read the book yet, I can't believe it.

Now let me take you back to the beginning of my life.

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