36 dear granger|| pt.1

Start from the beginning


A picture of sunshine dancing over bushy brown hair crossed his mind.

"We don't have much time here. Just out with it then leave," Draco said stiffly, concern hidden in his cold voice.

Zabini smiled through straight white teeth, "I'm pretty fucking good now at apparating so I can jump out of that window and be in Milan if need be. No need for you to add me to your list especially now that she's missing. The three of them are."

Draco knows the moment that he tried to kill Snape out of pure distrust that it's over. In the end, he lost and Snape had to drag him back to the manor and he had been locked in the tower ever since. Even his own mother hasn't visited him once. He knows that it's not a matter of whether she cares or not but of will they both survive if they showed any sliver of care for each other. Same goes for his shady, snake of a father. It's all for survival and preservation. They'll hold out. The world may crumble around them but they're unmoving.

"No one knows where they are."

That's not true. Draco does.

But her being a smart girl, they probably moved away now. They haven't been caught-- not once-- he knows that they transported to muggle London and then to the country side. Her patronus reached him to ask him to run away with them but he stayed put for his trace has not gone and he's a prisoner then. Instead with the last light of his wand he told them not to utter Voldemort's name for it has been a taboo.

The twisted villains took his wand but unbeknownst to them he can do wandless magic, a skill from the past life that he knows close to nothing now aside from the fact that everything has already happened before as constantly reminded by the chain around his neck that only he can see.

"Take heart," her otter patronus swam to his room in the middle of the night through the sea of dementors. Her voice was unsteady and broken, but trying to be strong at the same time.

He kissed this shadow of light, barely a ghost on his lips-- just a gush of wind, just before it disappeared into nothingness before sending his own back to her. An eagle that had wide silver wings of light. The most free creature he knows, all that he ever wants to be. It flew out in the night with his words to her, words that could be the very last to her. "It's yours."

Two for two.

Zabini looked at him, "Snap out of it."

"No. She's not a spell, she's a person-- one that is remarkably worth more than you and me combined. So you have my answer. No."

Zabini snapped his fingers as if getting a good idea, "We should go out, man. Put on your Death robes, I think your mother will throw a victory party for that alone. Nott discovered this place where the girls drink Polyjuice and they'd turn into whoever you want them to be. I'd just steal her clothes and her hair and-- you know what I'll pay for everything. I'd even pay the girl extra to act like her and make sure she still looks like Granger when you wake up. I'm going to her dorm room right now, what do you want me to get-- her school robes, her ball gown, normal clothes-- or even her Gryffindor tie! Remember last year when you took it after you beat her in that duel? And you speak to it at night..." Zabini stopped himself as soon as Draco started shooting him silver dagger looks, "Anything, mate. Anything to get this out of your system."

"I don't know, mateee," Draco elongated the word. "The whole story makes me want to just kill you but the venereal diseases that you and your boyfriend caught might just beat me to it," he said lazily.

"Or you can come with me to Milan right this moment. We'd apparate right outside your window. You can live with me in my apartment-- it overlooks this gorgeous wishing fountain with marble statues.."

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