16 amortentia: fourteenth letter

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The first pot has Polyjuice.

Draco sneered at the note. He knows, he's best at potions afterall, how could he not know when it's the only open cauldron on the table in front of them? He wrote under Blaise Zabini's note.

Keep Slug busy then.

If all things go according to plan, he'd be able to sneak back inside the classroom to steal the Polyjuice potion after Blaise Zabini walks out with Slughorn. Even though he didn't quite make it into the Slugclub (even with his overflowing qualifications) it pays to be in good terms with the people inside. This time with Zabini, a tall, dark wizard with a widely acclaimed face who happens to have a weakness for focusing potions. Potions that happen to be quite simple to make to Draco but will cause a head scratching moment to most others who would chance to have a look on how its made. Well, Zabini will have his focusing potion if and only if Draco acquires the Polyjuice.

But there are more pressing matters at the moment, Hermione's sickening sweet scent is starting to get heady and the room is getting stifling even though she's two tables away, just behind the Ravenclaws that are crowding at the front who are eager to have the class to start.

The sun shone directly at her hair making it look like a shade near auburn.

Surely, just a trick of the light.

Flecks of dust danced around her like a halo.

The Hogwarts house elves must be doing worse when she introduced her spew nonsense to them.

He stood up, about to snap her way, perhaps even throw a damaging remark to ask who could she be trying to impress with bathing in all that cologne or perfume or shampoo or lotion or whatever it is. But Slughorn entered the room along with Potter and the Weasel.

Draco still hasn't regained his composure. It was so heady and unbearable. But he wanted more. He removed the handkerchief from his nose and took a huge breathe of the air.

It's just breathing. It's normal. Surely the Dark Lord will not be bothered with him breathing.

All of this is her fault!

Including his pressing headache and how badly he can't pay attention because of how overwhelmed he is of the scent. He took a handkerchief from his pocket and covered his nose, but the sticky sweet smell of berries and sunshine has clung to his frontal lobe. He closed his eyes and prayed for all of it to be over. This is crazy.

The situation is what's mental. Not him. Never him.

Slughorn started to conduct the class in order but Draco kept his eyes shut. There was clanking, the cover of the cauldron was opened, but he didn't open his eyes. Hermione's scent was making him think dangerous thoughts. Dangerous but lovely-

"It's Amortentia!"

A high pitched but confident voice spoke.

The daydream ended and Draco opened his eyes, they were wide with fear. It wasn't her? It was a potion. And Amortentia? Then that means...

"It's the most powerful potion in the world..."

But Hermione could be wrong. Advanced Potion Making by Libatius Borage could also be wrong, right? Right? He can't be that deep in.

Slughorn roared his approval. Of course, Hermione Granger is never wrong. Draco felt that he is being cheated. He's growing more and more annoyed by the second.

It's too real.

In his imagination, nothing is real. She doesn't have a smell, she doesn't have an effect on him, he can end it whenever he likes. But here- she lingers.

"And it's supposed to smell differently to each one of us, according to what attracts us..."

Yes. Of course. It doesn't have to be her. Draco sat up more comfortably in his chair, taking in the scent. Anyone can smell like berries, sunshine, parchment, old books and something akin to a cat. He wrinkled his nose.

"For example, I smell..." If he could detach his ear and threw it across her table, he will. "I can smell freshly mown grass..."

Is she hanging out with Hufflepuffs? Someone who likes Herbology perhaps? Rats! Neville Longbottom?

"...and new parchment..."

Well, he has lots of new parchments. Lots of new belongings. Never had on a hand-me-down in his life.

"...and spearmint toothpaste."

Spearmint toothpaste? Draco grimaced. Who even brushes their teeth with spearmint toothpaste and why is she attracted to that? How cheap and common. In his opinion, eucalyptus is far more superior and natural, even if it does come out of a tube.

He glanced once more at Hermione, she was blushing hard. The apples of her cheeks look like cherries. She didn't finish her sentence. No one seemed to notice but him. A fact that annoyed him more. He has to focus on his mission and not on what Hermione Granger finds attractive.

The sole realization made heat run up his neck.

"Bet you a galleon that Granger has a broom stuck up her-"

Draco replied right away so Theodore Nott who was sitting beside him, will not be able to finish the sentence, "Bet you double that Potter will remove it."

Then they sniggered like the pathetic schoolboys that they are. Potter glared at both of them from beside Hermione but she didn't notice.

Well, at the very least, Draco felt pathetic but Nott showed no remorse and even though Draco's fist ached to make contact with Theodore Nott's neck, he didn't. He wasn't able to defend Hermione. He was too afraid to lose his good standing over the other Slytherins.

Calm down, will you? It's not like she knows.

And that's the thing, he figured, she'll never know. Maybe if by one moment of insanity he talked to her about it. Maybe find out what she thought of him then all this will be over. Is she getting the same dangerous thoughts? Maybe she does. Or maybe he'll just get punched again and it will be over. But he couldn't. The feeling clawed at his chest, like a monster wanting to get out. That's right. It's a monster- ugly, wrong and has no place in the outside.

Nott continued abusing each and every one of the girls in the classroom. It was repulsive but Draco had to pretend that it was hilarious when in fact it was perverse. He wanted to vomit. Does Nott not have a mother?

He shook his head and tried to focus.

But he only remembered how Neville stood up to the Golden Trio back in first year. The thought that Neville was better than him (and that he smells more like freshly mown grass more than Draco) made him mess up his Drought of Living Death.

Which he would have happily poured on Theodore Nott just for breathing next to him. Or saying Hemione's last name- two more cauldrons for that.

And so, Harry Potter, the luckiest unlucky scarred orphan in the world managed to win the Felix Felicis.

Draco Malfoy, with his favorable birth and good fortune thus far, wondered: if you already have Hermione Granger sitting beside you, what would you need the Felix Felicis for?


God, I'm so curious what I will smell if someone brewed me an amortentia. I bet it smells like money! Hahaha XD (Sugar, you gold digger! Hahaha! Lucius is daddy goals though)

Song up top is 'Black Magic' by Little Mix cover by Kyson Facer. Ain't he the cutest? Jailbait. But adorable. XD

Dedicated to the ahhhhmazing @nightsdecor . She's lovely, she writes awesome fics and she just made my week. :)

Massive thanks to everyone! We now have 2,000+ reads! Oh me, oh my, chocolate pie! Kisses!

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