2 second year: second letter

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Dear Granger,

It was me.

I was the one who put the crumpled note in your notes but I was also the one who put the diary in Ginny's cauldron. I don't even know why I'm writing this here.

Draco blinked. This letter will not be sent. Just like the one from last year. It was still under all the advance spell books that he had even before Hogwarts. He had learned how to charm it now, just so that secret compartment under his mahogany desk will not reveal itself just to anyone.

He felt a shiver run down his spine.

He's keeping a secret. A real one. From his family.

And to top it all off it was a secret letter to a mudblood.


I am not playing hero here. Don't mistake it even for a moment, Granger. You and your lot are nothing but dispensable fools. But who would want it to be this easy? I don't even have a hand in any of this.

He stopped writing and stared at the quill in his hand. He was afterall the one who put the diary... His father wanted him to have a hand in it. But he was also the one who put the scrapped page in Hermione's notes. She was petrified and it must have not made sense to her to think about who it was anymore because all was well. It could be a Ravenclaw for all she knows. She forgot all about it. The thought made Draco's blood run cold. Jealousy? Disappointment? He shrugged it away.

You deserved to suffer, you know. You were undeserving to begin with. You need to learn to bow down to your superiors. I wonder if you cried when I called you mudblood. It hurts doesn't it, to know what you really are? To hear it out loud in front of the people you call your peers.

Draco felt a pang on his chest at the mental image of tears falling down Hermione's soft amber colored eyes. She has gotten prettier, everyone said so but he won't admit what his eyes recognized. Her chocolate colored hair was still unruly but more curly now than frizzy. He wrinkled his nose and dipped his quill in the ink.

You know what, Granger? It was pathetic how you were always Potter's sidekick, second in command to a Weasel. What will you gain with them? What can they give you? Surely not protect you as when the levee broke you were the first to drown. You should look for better company.


He looked up at the small mirror attached on his study table. Fair hair sleeked back,straight nose, thin lips, pale skin, not a smudge, not a pimple, perfect. He's perfect. As it should be. He smirked to himself.

You were the first to fall, Granger. If it were me...

What was he thinking about writing before he stopped himself? A preposition to her? To join his side? The ink dripped from the end of the quill into the page. It made a blotch on the clean parchment. The first mistake. He looked at it in horror.

The same horror that he felt when he learned that Granger had been petrified but he had to of course pretend that he was happy about it. Jovial even. There was no other emotion acceptable. Even though she was in their year and they breathed the same crisped, pine smelling air in the daily, walked in the same magical corridors and shared the same droning lessons. Voices and laughter bouncing in the same walls.

He simply wasn't allowed to care.

There was a stern knock on his door and he quickly folded the crisp parchment, it's edges uneven unlike it's predecessor. He glanced at the two letters. It's only two. There won't be a third. He'll scratch off his skin raw if there ever was.

He just needed to tell someone this. Just so it wasn't all in his head.

"Draco, I don't reckon you're thinking that I need your permission to open any door in my household," Lucius Malfoy said. The door was ajar, forced open by magic, just in time for Draco to slam his compartment close. His father raised an eyebrow at him before turning on his heel, dark cape swishing after him. "Come with me."

"Yes, father," Draco glanced one last time at the compartment and followed his father's footsteps.


The romance on this one is going to be slow as it should be because I started at Sorcerer's Stone. It was never meant to be easy, people! >.< And yeah, I thought I'd make a story that didn't occur post Hogwarts or post Voldemort. Already too much of those.

Songs up top is 'Dirty Little Secret' by The All American Rejects because obviously. ;)

Dedicated to  for making the html for my story ad. Bless this girl!  

Yours in Mayhem |DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now