8 fourth year: eighth letter

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Do you know who is going with Hermione Granger to the ball?

Draco wrote the note and attached a galleon to it. "Give this to the She-Weasel," he instructed Crabbe. Crabbe wanted to unfold the parchment but decided not to in front of Draco. "What are you waiting for? Go!"

He shook his head at how his stupid minion needed telling twice. He can't risk going anywhere near Potter now that Mad-Eye Moody has taken a liking to the git as well. He can't risk being bounced again as ferret. His skin still itched with the idea of growing fur again.

He heard it in passing in the hallway. Her conversation with Potter and The Weasel, somebody is going to take her to the Yule Ball. It was nothing big. He's just curious.

So curious that he'd bribe a girl that completely detests him to spill the beans on Granger. But who cares he's got the gold. It won't be missed.

"...And you can tell whoever it is that sent me this letter that he can shove it..." there was a loud clinking sound of the coin as it was thrown on the stone floor, Draco craned his neck to see. He was sitting on his favorite spot by the tree. Just so he can see and hear everything. Ginny Weasley looked at him directly this time, her hair was red but her face redder as it was livid with anger on his monetary insult, "...and the whole of Gringotts up his pompous ar-"

"Miss Weasley, what is it that you are about to say?" Professor McGonnagal approached her from behind and Crabbe made a run for it. Draco frowned in disappointment. Stupid, stupid. He watched as Ginny looked down in shame. McGonnagal looked at her in disapproval and held out her hand. Ginny gave up the parchment with no objections.

Draco grabbed his 'Hogwarts, A History' book and pretended to be deep in thought.

Professor McGonnagal cleared her throat. "I only hope that whoever it is that sent this letter will have the heart to ask Miss Granger himself."

He needn't need telling to be brave. He's not a coward. It's just that asking Hermione Granger to the Yule Ball will be unexpected. Sure, it will be a laugh. She will be embarrassed, of course and will be crying the moment it starts. Is that really what he wants?

And besides she already has a date.

Or does she?

He suddenly realized that his book is upside down.

Crabbe approached Draco as soon as he climbed down from the tree. His minion was sweaty and smelled of something akin to body odor, Draco wrinkled his nose. Before he knew, a pudgy hand with a single shining galleon was held out to him. He eyed it once, "Keep it and get Pansy Parkinson. I'll be staying here."

Crabbe muttered something but did as he was told. The moment he was out of sight in the halls, Draco made a break for it to the library. The place that he knows without a doubt that he will find her in.

It was between classes and there is little to no chance that anyone will linger here. He took the neatest parchment that he could find and got a quill. He smoothed the parchment a thousand times over mulling on what to write.

Will you go with me to the dance?

Discarded. She already has someone to go to. Or does she?

Go with me to the dance.

Discarded. Too demanding.

Go with me to the dance. I'll pay you.

Infinitely worse. He ripped it to pieces and reached for another parchment...

He went through different variations of the same request until what seemed like every single alternative for the word 'please' in the English language has been used.

And he was down to his last parchment.

Will you save a dance for me?

It sounded desperate, sure. But did he really mean it? Of course. And her words rung in his head. You only have one life. Why do it doing some else's bidding? And he won't disobey or disappoint his father. It's only a dance. Just one. To one song. It will be over before the last note hangs in the air. Or even before her touch lingers. Or even before he gets to thinking of things that are not related to dancing.

He swallowed and folded the parchment into a swan and casted the Origamens charm on it. A charm that will make any paper act like the animal that it has taken form of, he mastered it last year. It flew to her usual spot by the window.

Draco hid behind the bookshelf, bidding his time, waiting for her to arrive. He'll look cool of course when she arrives. Handsome as ever. Not a hair out of place.

The library door finally opened. He looked through the gaps.

Heavy footsteps. It was definitely not Hermione.

Viktor Krum made his way to the table beneath the window. He stood there waiting. He saw the swan on the table and picked it up. By the way that the thick eyebrows on his face knotted, Draco instantly knew that the letter had affected Krum and the reason was too obvious.

Hermione shortly arrived. Viktor rushed to her side to help her carry her books to the table. She smiled up to him in thanks as she sat and Viktor put a stray bunch of her unruly hair behind her ear. Draco watched her cheeks turn into a very vibrant pink. She was glowing. Both her and Krum are glowing.

And it would have been beautiful if Draco hadn't been feeling like he just swallowed a Dungbomb.

Then he heard rustling of a parchment.

The swan is trying to fly from Krum's grasp. Hermione caught it.

Draco felt a flicker of hope, maybe she would recognize the handwriting. Maybe she'll recognize the charm. She had to.

"Don't be silly," she smiled at Viktor. "I mean, we are going together. Just don't expect too much. I'm not much of a dancer."

"Trust me, I've already got more than I've 'oped vor," he picked up her hand and kissed it gently. Draco watched in pure disbelief as she carried on reading while Krum
watched from across the table, their hands still connected.

It took all of him not to push down every single bookshelf out of his way as he made his way of the sodding, misery inflicting library. 


Happy Saint Valentine's Day! And remember before y'all hate yourselves for not getting lucky today that this guy, St. Valentine got decapitated for love. Just saying. Might as well have pure intentio- who am I kidding? We just entered the Yule Ball arc so stuff is going  to go down.

Song at the top is 'If Only I Had the Heart' by the Maine. Just fits, ya know? Told you, Draco is a punk rocker in this fic.

Dedicated to FandomsandOTPS_14 for putting this in her reading list.

200+ read, yo! Thank you so much. ^__^ Please don't hesitate to comment! Or vote!

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