Down in the Forest

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         'You shouldn't have done that,'  Tyler says quietly in my head. 

         "Oh shut the fuck up, you goody two shoes," I growl softly. 

         'You can't keep me locked inside my mind forever. This is my body you're in,' Tyler says a bit louder.

        "But I can also hurt you and make you weak by hurting this body just like I used to do. You were more pathetic when you were a teenager and in your early twenties," I say with a slight chuckle.

        'I'm getting stronger. It's been long enough. Once I get back in control, I'm turning myself in. I deserve to rot in a jail cell,' Tyler mumbles.

       "You won't want to leave who we're going to see," I say.

       'What? Who co-,' Tyler asks and I turn the radio on with the volume up. 

       I hum along with the song, not really knowing the lyrics. I need to get rid of the car tag. Jenna should be waking up in ten minutes tops. Then it'll probably take her another five minutes to realize what happened and call the police. They'll come looking for this tag and car. I need to get another tag. I'll just have to steal one. In fifteen minutes I should be able to get a good distance away from here. I only need to travel about a day and a half to reach him. I can stop at some cheap motel on the way. My stomach growls and I sigh loudly. I can skip a few meals, Tyler needs to loose weight anyways.

I continue driving until I make it more than halfway to my destination. I'm in the middle of nowhere which is good. I park at a cheap motel. It's sign outside has a few letters that aren't lit up and that are barely hanging on. I walk into the shifty looking office and slowly walk up to the counter. I look around, this place is absolutely disgusting. Oh well. I ring the bell and a few seconds later a man with a beer belly comes walking out of the back wearing a dirty white shirt with holes in it, eating a sandwich. He has bread crumbs in his long nasty beard.

"What do you need," he asks with a mouthful of food.

Filthy pig.

"I need a room with one bed for a night," I say, pulling out my wallet.

"That'll be fifty dollars," he says putting his filthy hand out.

I lay two twenties and a ten dollar bill in his hand, and he hands me a key with the room number 93. I walk out of the office and start walking towards the hotel room, looking for Room 93. I eventually find it, and unlock the door, walking into it. I turn the lights on to see a dimly lit, dusty room. I sigh and shut the door, not bothering to lock it. I walk into the bathroom, taking my clothes off, and stepping into the tiny shower. I turn the hot water on and just stand there. I need to get to him. I will finally have him all to myself.

After I take a shower, I slowly put my clothes back in before crawling into the shitty hotel bed. I reach over and turn the lamp off before laying on my side and falling asleep.

I see flashes of his pink hair. Flashes of his smile and the way his eyes squint when he laughs. The joy in his eyes slowly turn into fear. He screams a silent scream, trying to fight back as I lash out. I hit him blow after blow until he's bloody and bruised yet somehow everytime he seems to forgive me. How? I don't know. He's always there to put back the pieces, but the last time I saw him, he couldn't stop me. I'd gotten too much to handle. I needed him for myself.

I wake up the next morning when the sun shines through the curtains. I sit up trying to shake the thoughts from my sleep. I through my legs over the side of the bed and quickly put my sneakers on tying them. I grab the keys and the wallet before I leave Room 93 and take the tag off of the car, swapping it with another car's tag. I hop into the driver's seat, speeding out of the parking lot. Only 12 more hours. I drive down the road looking at the almost desert like wasteland.

Twelve Hours Later...

I drive through the dense forest on a trail that's nearly unrecognizable because of the new plant growth. It's almost nightfall outside. I drive and drive until I see the tiny shack. I park out in front of it and quickly get out, walking over to the door. I bend down and pick up a rock, getting the bloody key that's hid beneath it. I throw the rock down before turning back to the lock on the door, unlocking it with the key. I let the door open on its own and let the head lights shine into the shack. Inside a bloody body of a pink haired man is chained to the wall.

I smirk to myself, standing in the door way as he weakly looks up at me. Those once bright eyes are now dull.

"I told you I'd be back Jishwa."


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