She just didn't like him giving candies to Ella.

"I know! He's just so..." Ella sighed dreamily.

"I know, hun. Believe me" She'd been fantasizing it for years. And then Anna grinned widely, "Wow, he must be special!"

Hmm...Ella thought for a second that she was talking about another guy.

"To accept a girl like me, huh?"

Ella's eyes widened, "No! I didn't mean it like that!"

"Relax, sis. I'm kidding" Half anyway.

"Okay" Ella chuckled nervously.

"He's reallyyyy special, trust me." Anna couldn't help but to add that, and best of all, we all knew it!


ELLA WAS blushing at something the prince said while they were sitting out the restaurant.

Anna rolled her eyes. Who would fall for that!

Oh, yeah. Prince.

Anna wished she could hear what he said but the place where she was sitting was too far away and not the most comfortable place. It was already evening and November so that didn't help either. Thankfully it wasn't snowing that day. The beautiful coat she wore did a good job in keeping her warm.

"Bloody hell, what do we have here?" she heard a deep familiar voice behind her.

Chills ran down her spine at being caught as well as at the fear of being spotted by the prince.

So, she acted on instinct and pulled Hunter down beside her by his arm, behind the bush.

Yes, she was hiding behind the bush. Not very original yet very effective.

She didn't know what to do next so she looked at Hunter right into his eyes that were filled with amusement. She remembered that she wiped her tears on his shirt. He did see her crying!

"About that night. Nothing happened"

He raised a brow, "I was pretty sure you-"

"Nothing" her cheeks reddened. Why did he always had to show up at her worst time?

It must be very odd for people who walked past them to see a grown woman sitting beside (from their view) the bush with a big biker beside her.

"What are you doing here?" Anna asked.

"What are You doing here?" He shoots back, mirroring her movement on purpose.

Her eyes nervously flicked to the couple, wondering if they heard her.

Hunter raised a brow before he turned his head to the object of her mission.

He chuckled, "Stalking, are we?"

"I- I'm not stalking!" she half whispered half yelled.

"I see. So, Blake wouldn't be surprised at all if I call him out now?"

She gasped, "You wouldn't!" She tried her best to give him her best stink eye.

"Aha. So you are stalking!"

The only problem was that it clearly didn't intimidate him. Because, he was the master of intimidation.

"Keep your voice down" she scolded.

"Nice fu*king try with the spy kid thing princess but they can't hear us from over there"

"Yes, I think but still keep your voice low" she agreed.

He rolled his eyes and said "Let's get back to the stalking thing"

"Again, it's not stalking!"

"Really, so what is this? An Investigation?"

"Exactly! A Private investigation for personal reasons. Though l would like to call it a human observation"

He chuckled with that deep voice of his, which she began to realize that she kind of liked it even though she really shouldn't, "I see"

Hmm, maybe it was just the way a healthy female reacted to a male. That sounded reasonable.

"Look! They're moving already. Let's go"

She realized what she said when Hunter didn't move an inch. Only studying her quietly making her nervous.

"Anna?" she heard a sweet voice calling out to her.

Normally, a sweet voice like that would lure her to sleep but not this time. This time, it made her freeze in her spot. Especially when that sweet voice belonged to her step-sister.

Just to make it clear- the one she'd been stalking. Wait, that sounded wrong.

Let's try again, the one she'd been following for the purpose of a human observation.

"Oh hell" she cursed under her breath.

An: Sorry, cliffhangerXD
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