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"I'm so so sorry" she blurted out.

"No, I-"

"I thought you were the drunken guy"

Great save! She held her breath.

What if he recognizes her?! She was not ready.

"I understand. And sorry too" he smiled.

So cute!

'Can I have him please?' Gaga asked.

If she could make it happen. Yes.

This was the time to practice what she had read in all those magazines.

She leaned back against the machine and folded her arms, trying to show off the nearly non-existant chest. But, at least the bump was noticiable at this position.

She used her right hand to twirl her strands of hair then tilted her head a little.

"You rocked out there. I can tell you what other things besides soccer that you could rock at"

Damn, I'm good. She nods mentally.

Just when Blake started to open his mouth to say something,

"Blake, come on man" his teammates called him out.

F*uck them! Anna's eyes snapped to the stupid guys who dared to disturb the chemistry between them.

"Comming" Blake called back.

"Wait, wait! Aren't you going to say something?" She urged him.

"Uhh, see ya?" he smiled and went after his teammates.

What did that even mean? See ya? As in he wanted to see her again? Or was that a new way of flirting? Was he indirectly asking for her number? She didn't know what to think or how to think!

More like you tried to interpret that in a way you'd love it to be

She decided that she needed definitely to collect the latest magazines that included tips for women as soon as she got home. Guys were too complicated for her.

'See ya means see you. Another form of saying bye' Gaga quips at the back of her mind. She decided to ignore her.

Anna stared long at the direction where Blake disappeared.

Suddenly, her heart fell a little as she remembered that night. He didn't recognize her. Shouldn't she be glad? But, why wasn't she?

'It was not his fault.' She said to herself.

'I wore a mask that night. Anyways it doesn't matter, he's hosting a party in my honor.'

She assured herself before she sulked back to the field.

ANNA's mom hired a limo so they would arrive fashionably and late to the party and Anna thought that it was ridiculous. But, her mother didn't listen to anyone. It was useless trying to talk sense into her. She thought that she knew what was best not only for her children but for EVERYONE.

"The prince is definitely asking me for a dance tonight!" Isa claimed.

"Nope. How could he ask you when he'll be occupied with me. Plus, he's not a peodophile" Anna smirked causing Isa to fume.

"He will not-"

"Girls, enough already!" their mom sighed, "You're giving me headache. It doesn't matter who among you two dances with Blake. All what matters is that ONE of you two WILL be dancing with him."

Anna didn't bother telling her mother that the only girl Blake would be dancing with, was her. After all, she was the reason he held this party.

She just couldn't stop saying that.

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