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He of all people had lost and now he was laying in a puddle of blood tinted rain water and Sakura petals. His victor stood above him, a smile etched on his face, as his foot crushed Hibari's abdomen. He hated Sakura petals, always has, always will. Sakura's meant renewal but they were also short lived, wilting almost as soon as they hit the ground. Weak. They didn't even have the slightest will to live.

"Get away from him!" he smiled bitterly. He was a fool and so was the person coming to his rescue. If he couldn't defeat this fiend then no one could. He closed his eyes at the sound of the useless grunting and metal clashing. He was bitter as he felt a single tear escape his eye. He was so full of regrets, he would never get to kiss you or hold your hand, or listen to you talk about your day again. He felt so empty and truly alone. It was pitiful. He had always been alone, his entire life. Now wasn't different.

"Kyouya!" he felt hands checking his pulse and undoing the bottons on his blood soaked dress shirt, "You're such an idiot Kyouya! This is why you shouldn't have lied to me you big idiot you!" he felt the tears hitting his face and cracked his eyes open to match a face with the, oh so familiar voice. It was you, you were here but why?

"[F/n]." he called you but you ignored him in favor of wrapping and disinfecting his wounds, "[F/n] don't ever put yourself in danger like that or I'll bite you to death myself." his hand found your's and rested on top of it.

"Kyouya that's not what you say to someone who just saved your life." you frowned, squeezing his warm hand. He leaned up and pressed his lips against yours. His hand rested on your cheek as his thumb stroked it gently. He poured every emotion he had into that one kiss and you reciprocated it ten fold.

"Thank you...I am in your debt." he mumbled, savoring the feeling of those soft lips.

"Kyouya I only want one thing from you." he listened intently. If you told him that you never wanted to see him again, he would leave you in all earnest. What he owned was his honor. He would deliver on it no matter what and that's why he hated owing favors.

"What is it [F/n]." his eyes met yours and you smiled, reeling him in for a second heart warming kiss.

"This time around you better be a good boyfriend. I won't take you back again." he smiled and wrapped his arms tightly around your. He would never mess this up. He would never let you go again. You were his to have and to hold. To treasure forever. On god, he would never take this second chance for granted.

He smiled as he realized that he was finally able to start over again.

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