'What is it?'

'Well... There's only one way to find out...'

I slowly open up the note to see a beautiful hand wrote note in all fancy, curly writing...

'I'm watching you...'

That's all it reads which makes a shiver run up my spine and I glance up and down the hall quickly only to hear and see nothing but I can't seem to shake the feeling that someone is indeed watching,

I slam my Locker shut and start to run fast done the corridor but I still can't shake the feeling of eyes so I start sprinting,

My lungs feel like they are full of water and my legs burn along with the other cuts but I just push them aside until I can no longer feel the eyes burning on my body,

I end up running all the way to my class and bursting through the door only to have some heads snap towards me including the teachers,

"What?" I ask confused and I hear some faint gasp...

'This seems oddly familiar...'


Mysterious p.o.v

I stare at her as she read the note and feel a grin start to come upon my face seeing her face look up and down with a frightened look on her face...

'You shall know my identity soon my love...'

I see her start to sprint down the corridor making me grin even more...

'I'll shall be seeing you soon then...'

I smirk before turning around and go down the opposite hallway whistling as I go...


Emma's p.o.v

I walk slowly to my seat as some people continue to stare at me and some just doing little glances but I just brush them off and look at my destination...

My seat...

Once I'm safety secured in my seat I look up to still see some peoples still have there eyes on me...


I cough quite loudly which makes peoples heads snap back to the front making me sigh in relief...

I turn to my right to see Levi sat in the seat next to me making me grin...

"Levi! Hey!" I beam which makes his head snap towards me with a look of shock on his face,

"Emma! I didn't know you was in this class!" He informs me stunned with a gaping mouth making me giggle,

"Yep!-" I pop the 'p' "-I was... And usually am... Late" I tell him whispering the middle bit which makes him grin,

"Oh.. Right" he laughs and goes back to his work, I cast one more look at him before turning away and doing mine...


Im walking down the corridor back towards my locker only to stop just in front of it thinking back to about an hour ago...

'Please be no freaky notes! Please be no freaky notes!'

I chant in my head as I punch in my code and stepping back immediately only to bump into someone and mutter a small 'sorry' only to have them kiss there teeth at me,

'That's just rude!'

I just ignore that to watch my locker swing open...

Nothing falls out...

Quickly I gather my books trying to get them out as fast because I don't want any notes to pop out of anywhere I slam my locker shut with my foot because my hands are occupied by my massive mountain of books and turning away swiftly only to come straight away in contact with something...


I kneel down to the ground again muttering another 'sorry' and start to collect my books and about 30 seconds later I see another hand come into my vision making me look up immediately to see Levi also picking up my books,

I flush "thanks" I speak quietly as my face heats up even more "no prob" he smiles at me standing up as I do and holding my books,

"Here I'll take them..." I say holding my hands out so he can place the rest of the books down which already has a massive, heavy pile of looks on,

"Nah it's ok I'll carry them for you" he smiles and doesn't give me time to argue because he starts to walk down the corridor,

He's about a few big steps in front of me when I start to follow and I even have to run to catch up and by the time I have we have just made it to the school entrance door when I get a message,


I halt on the steps and take my phone out struggling slightly because I have to try and hold the books in my hands in only one hand now...

Finally I get a good hold on it so I can flip up my phone,


You look very beautiful today x

XoXo your secret admirer

'What the fuck!!'

I snap my head up and look around the car park only to see multiple people looking and typing on there phones,

"Emma?! Emma?! Are you ok?!!" Levi stresses making me snap out of it...

"Yh sorry..." I say putting my head down and walking down the steps,

'Maybe it was a prank... Yes! It's was a prank!!'

I know it's really bad and short but if you want them longer comment and vote xx

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