Chapter 30 - Dining With The Queen

Start from the beginning

She squinted harder as she surveyed the Gobelins. What spurred them on so? Were they truly intent on catching the few remaining souls who fled? Then she saw something that left her heart bursting with pride—pride and fear.

Several men on horseback led the chase. They had managed to pick up a few of the stray women—as many as they could carry. It was they whom the Gobelins pursued. One of them was Jahl: She could tell by the way he moved.

Unsure if she should be relieved or angry, she silently cursed. What were they to do now? On the one hand, Jahl was still alive, and for that she thanked the gods. On the other, it seemed he was leading the Gobelins straight for them. Even if they started running again, Jeanine knew the Gobelins would catch them.

In those moments of panicked chaos, she came to the realization that all was lost, but she couldn't bear to give up. "Run!" she cried yet again. "We must go now! Flee. Flee for your lives!"

She refused to sit and wait for their death. If the Gobelins caught them, so be it, but gods be damned if they took her quietly. No, she was not going to go down without a fight.

Grabbing Jorn and the infant he held, she placed them back onto Storm. Climbing up behind him, she spurred the horse onward. The children were already on the move, followed by the remaining mothers.

They ran for what seemed like ages, yet it was only minutes before she heard the thunder of hooves behind her. Stopping, she let several of the children pass by as she waited. Jahl was in the lead.

"Jeanine!" he cried. She could hear the fear in his voice. "Jeanine, we failed! They are coming!"

Yes, she knew that already. Without waiting for him to catch up, she turned Storm and fled anew. The chestnut mare Jahl rode gained on her quickly, followed by the four other horsemen accompanying him. They were ascending a giant, singular hill. It stood alone as a dominant entity of the lands surrounding it. Before reaching the crest, Jeanine looked over her shoulder.

How many pursued them? Several hundred at least. They were doomed.

Without a second thought, she jumped from Storm's back and slapped the horse hard on the flank, spurring him onward to breach the hilltop. The horse went on without her.

"What are you doing?" Jahl shouted.

"I'm going to fight. I will not die by a knife to the back. I will die fighting, and when I meet the gods, they will praise my valor."

Jahl shook his head. He saw there was no arguing.

Her father's sword was at her waist. She was going to need that soon. Removing her bow from her back, she nocked an arrow. Her vantage point would afford her several deaths before the little demons were upon them.

Aiming high, she released. The arrow flew skyward and out of sight. She did not watch it but loaded another. From her position, she knew when the arrow struck; there was a commotion in the advancing numbers as a single Gobelin fell.

She released the next. Another Gobelin fell. By the third, her chest was pounding so violently she thought she might vomit. She almost failed to hear the horn, she almost missed the roar from above.

She released the fourth arrow, and at that very moment, a strong wind crept up. Flames erupted in front of her. Before she could process the arrival of Drengr, a hammering of hooves sounded in her ears. A blur of white rushed past her, blowing her hair about her face.

Unicorns thundered by, mounted by nearly naked men. They had strange markings upon their body. Her eyes widened. The Sprites and the Drengr had come to save them!

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