Amelia was looking at her beautiful wife lying in the casket. She still was having a hard time accepting the fact that Aria was gone and not coming back. “Amelia!” Vanessa calls her loudly. “What!” Amelia sneers towards the red head. Vanessa rolls her eyes. She knew that the blonde vampire was going through a hard time but she was treating her like shit. Everyone has been treating her like shit lately. “I just wanted to come and tell you that your mother is upstairs!” Vanessa sneers and walks out the door slamming it behind her.

Amelia groans and slowly heads back upstairs. She walks in to the main room to see her mother. Her eyes begin to dilate but before she could attack her mother stops her by saying, “I know where your daughter is!”


“Tell me!” Adam screams at the little girl.

Annabelle cringes and wipes her wet eyes. She hated when people scream at her. It freaked her out and she knew she was slowly hyperventilating. “ doesn’t work that way.” Adam bends down and sneers, “Then tell me what you have to do to tell me your mother plan!”

“I sleep!” Annabelle lies. She could also touch people but Adam didn’t have to know that. “I need to sleep.” Adam groans and rolls his eyes. This plan hasn’t been as easy as he thought it was going to be. Annabelle wasn’t strong yet and he knew it would take time. “Give her something and put her to sleep!” He orders one of his slaves. “NOW!”


“Adam has gone crazy!” Her mother explains. “I didn’t know Amelia I promised. The entire time I thought we were working together to take over the kingdom when he was the Master mind of The Cult the entire time. I’m so sorry Amelia I would never hurt you-

-Don’t!” Amelia cuts her mother off. “You would hurt me again because you did those many years ago when you told me my daughter was dead. Why should I believe you now!” She walks up on her mother ready to kill. She grabs her by the neck and glares. “Why shouldn’t I just rip your fucking neck now?”

Catherine tears slips from her eyes. “I cannot take back what I did Amelia but please let me make it up to you now. I need you to trust me now. Adam has gone crazy! He wants total control over the world and he is going to use your daughter to get there.”

Amelia lets her mother go. “You have one chance and that’s all. I will kill you mother and I will not hesitate!” Amelia then storms out the room. “Tell Vanessa everything you know!”


“Helen?” Hailey walks slowly into the dark room. “It’s only me Hailey.” She says. She walks further into the room and finally is able to see the vampire sitting on the bed because of the little light coming through the blinds from the bright moon. “Helen?” She calls again but doesn’t get an answer. She sits next to the vampire and Helen breaks down. “I shouldn’t be this sad Hailey. I was so close to getting over her! But now she is gone and I still loved her. I don’t know should I feel bad or not! That was my best friend wife! I was supposed to have gotten over her Hailey!”

Hailey pulls Helen head onto her lap. “Shh.” She coos. “You loved her Helen and there is nothing wrong with that! Amelia would understand.” Hailey bends down and kisses Helen on the forehead. “I understand.” Helen continues to cry in the human lap. She then lifts up after several minutes and says, “I’m sorry.” Hailey smiles and shakes her head. “What do I have to do to get you to understand that I’m here and I’m going nowhere?” Helen shrugs her shoulders and watches the human yawn into her hand. “You should sleep.” She says.

“No I’m okay!” Hailey say trying to not look tired. This only makes the brunette chuckle. “Come on.” She pulls the human hand and they both lie down. “Tomorrow I’m going to kill every bastard that was a part of Aria death.”

“Kill them all!” Hailey whispers before falling asleep.

Kill them all


Vanessa walks into her room with a slam. She was tired of everyone and she wanted her space. However, things weren’t going her way because Heather storms through the door. “We need to talk!” She says. “I’m not in the mood!” Vanessa groans stripping out her blouse. “Leave me the fuck alone!”

“No!” Heather stands stubbornly.  “Were not on the same page Vanessa and I want to apologize again-

-I don’t want your fucking apology Heather now get the fuck out.” Vanessa screams. Heather notices that the other vampire had used her speed and she was now all in her face. “Vanessa.” She pleads trying to get the older vampire to see that she didn’t mean whatever she said. “I’m so fucking tired of people treating me like shit and then coming back when they want something. What the fuck do you want Heather!”

Heather didn’t know how to express her words so she did all she could do and grab the vampire face pulling their lips together in a fury kiss. Vanessa pushes Heather into the wall with their lips still connected. She plunges her tongue inside the other mouth earning a long moan. She bites her bottom lip and then pulls back. Heather leans on the wall for support and this makes Vanessa smirk. “No slap!” Heather shakes her head no. “I just want you to know that I care and after that incident I knew it was time for me to admit my feelings. I care Vanessa.”

Vanessa chews on her bottom lip and then says not ready to admit how she feel just yet, “Can we just fuck!”

Heather rolls her eyes at the other vampire bluntness but Vanessa smirks and begins to kiss down the red head neck. “I know you want to.” She mumbles her voice becoming rag. Her hands then begin to slowly trail up Heather shirt making the other vampire moan. “See.” Vanessa smirks and before she knew it she was on her back on the king size bed. Vanessa smirks into the kiss and it quickly becomes competitive. Tongues battling to win and neither vampire willing to give up. Vanessa suddenly deepens the kiss slowing it down surprising Heather. A moan escapes both of their mouths. She licks the red head bottom lip pulling her close.

They quickly stripped each other of their clothes leaving marks all down each other bodies. Heather flips Vanessa over once again. Vanessa looks surprised because she wasn’t accustomed to being on bottom unless she was with Amelia but she held her urge to wrestle her way back on top. Her fingertips claws into Heather back as she grinds her hips up. She hears a sigh of pleasure and she grins at this. She still was in control.

Heather chews on her bottom lip trying to not let another moan escape her mouth. She bends over and kisses Vanessa neck trailing down between her legs.

Vanessa hip rises as she pulls onto the fire red hair. “Fuck!” She mutters trying to keep her moans in. She didn’t know when this became a competition but she wasn’t going to lose. However, Heather begins to work her magic and that is when she notices that Heather wasn’t a good little angel as she claims to be. She had done this before and she was good at it. Vanessa continues to moan that quickly turns into screams. Heather then stops and hovers over the vampire. Vanessa hisses, “Who told you to stop!” She tries not to pant or show how much she was enjoying it but she was failing and Heather knew it.

Heather spread Vanessa legs and rest between them and then begins to move against Vanessa. “You know!” She starts while grinding into the vampire. “You don’t have to be all bad-ass all the damn time.” She speeds up making Vanessa bite down hard on her bottom lip. She wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction. However, Heather wasn’t having any of that. Her nails run down the vampire thigh leaving marks making Vanessa hiss. “Let go!” Heather demands thrusting harder into Vanessa. The contact makes both of them moan into the night. Vanessa grabs on to Heather behind and pulls her closer.

Vanessa knew she was close and from the smirk on Heather face she knew the other vampire knew it too. She could taste the blood in her mouth. She bawls the sheets into her hand and moan into Heather neck.

Heather collapses on top of Vanessa a few moments later. After a few heartbeats of ecstasy she begins to laugh. Vanessa was confused so she asks, “What the hell is funny!”

Heather lifts up and smacks Vanessa thigh, “Who’s your daddy now!”

Vanessa growls flipping Heather over attacking her lips.

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