Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Aria wakes up by the sun streaming into the room. She groans her head was pounding. She blushes when she notices she is out of her sun dress from the other day.

She pulls the covers down and notices she is in a silk pink night gown. She yawns into her hands but gets out of bed quickly when she smells something delicious.

Aria walks into the bathroom. Take care of her personal business and then walks out the door running into her two guards again.

"My Lady." They both bow.

Aria rolls her eyes and stresses, "Do you have to always be outside my door."

"Well yes." The guard answers. "It's the Queen wishes to protect you."

"From who?" Aria blurts aggravated. "The big bad monster."

The guard looks at her confused and with that Aria walks away from them. She notices that the beach house was huge. It had at least three floors. She walks through the kitchen and then the fully furnished living room. She turns another corner and heads upstairs. She smirks. She finally finds the Queen bedroom. There were no guards standing post. Aria looks behind her and frowns. She had to lose her guards.

She stops and asks, "Who room is that?"

"The Queen ma'am."

Aria looks at them and glares, "Well you can leave."

"We cannot..."

"You disobey me!" Aria puts on her best glare. "I cannot see my wife!"

The two guards step back shocked. They bow respectfully and heads back downstairs.

Aria grins and heads to the door quickly. She burst it open and notice it's pitch black inside. Aria gulps. She could not see anything. She closes the door softly behind her. There was no point of turning back now.

Amelia grins. She had heard Aria behind the door. She softly gets out of bed and walks behind Aria like a ghost. She knew the human couldn't see or hear her. Amelia bites her lip as she looks at Aria in her pink gown that stop sinfully at the top of her thighs. She couldn't take it anymore. She grabs Aria hips roughly and pulls her back into her front. The human yelps in surprised and then begins kicking and screaming. Amelia wraps her hand over Aria mouth and then The Queen whispers, "Shhh it's only me."

Aria settles in Amelia arms and then after she calms down she blurts, "Why didn't you just say something."

Amelia chuckles in her ear and Aria hates that her laugh is so freaking addictive. Amelia turns Aria around and looks down at her. She bites her lip and whispers, "I like making you scream." She answers seductively running her fingers down Aria shoulders. She didn't need the light no know the younger human was blushing.

"Could you give me space?" Aria glares.

Amelia rolls her eyes but smirks. She steps back but not too far.

Aria quickly misses the contact and screams out in frustration, "I cannot see anything. Could you turn on a lamp?"

Amelia whispers something in Latin and all the windows begins to let open. The sun shines violently into the room. Aria had to adjust and when she focuses her heart almost stop. Amelia stood in front of her in only a white lace bra and matching thong. Aria gulps and wets her lips.

Amelia grins and walks towards Aria.

"Could you put some clothes on?"

The Queen does not answer. She walks past Aria and heads towards her walk in closet. Five minutes later she walked out in a red silk robe. Aria instantly groans. The robe did not help.

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