Date; And Surprise!

Start from the beginning

" LET US RUN AWAY!' But that wouldn't fly well at all! She winced ever so slightly and bit her lip before Tomoe looked up at her with his beauitful violet eyes and gently held out his hand. But he kept hi head turned away.. his eyes weak.

" J-Just take it..." he whispered weakly, " I won't try anything, I promise I won't.' He whispered slightly, ' but your mother is never gonna let us in until we consent right? So right now we should just go..' he whispered and then paused as he looked at her,

" Maybe... You'd like something to eat?

This made her pause but shake her head weakly, " O-Oh no! We shouldn't be going out like this, we can't afford it right now and what about Hiru?'She suddenly whined out and swallowed, " I just... I didn't think I'd want to go out today..' She hwispered and winced.. she wasn't expecting to look up at Tomoe and see his uncomfotable look...

Did she say something to far just then? It wasn't her intention but what would you say at a time like this? She wasn't sure and neither did she think about it for the longest of time. She didn't think about dating Tomoe; maybe when she first found out she liked him but after he got her pregant... it was a different story all together and she didn't know what to say at all.

She didn't want to hurt Tomoe at the moment.. she really didn't. But she had a feeling he was uncomfortable too. She had wanted to date Tomoe.. date and then live out the romance.. get married maybe... Then have a baby. But it was jumped ahead so quickly.... And she didn't know what to think at all..



" Nanami......' Tomoe muttered suddenly and slightly looked down. His hand stucked into his pockets and his white hair shifted to the ground.. his eyes tremebled but with a mist of worry and maybe better judgment. What was wrong? Had she said something....

No.. That wasn't it.

" Nanami.... do you still like me?" he whispered weakly and looked down.. his eyes shimmered slightly and the girl couldn't help but pause and swallow.... did she? After all those years and eveything that had happened. They had always been there for each other.. it wasnt just lust right?

She didn't know anymore... and yet..

When she pictured Tomoe being kissed by Kyoko... or being touched and cared for by another woman.. her neck suddenly burned and she almost yelped and touched the old bite mark that decorated her skin. Oh yeah... this mark.... She was Tomoes... but he was hers too.. right? She swallowed and then looked at him.. Only to blink when he looked down.

His smile pulled weakly and if she didn't know better maybe his mouth trembled from its normal tough kid act.. D-Did she hurt him? But.. She didn't reply... and yet she realized....

She had never planned too.

Didnt' she like Tomoe? yes.. But... everything was so messed up and it scared her time afte time. Was Tomoe still that boy she knew? That sweet one that held her hand and tucked her in at night?

Was he still the same joking kid with that father? Or was he not? Was he all gone now ? Was he gone and was she left alone with the baby... Just like her mum? She didn't know and yet she knew deep down that Tomoe would never be her father.

He was to protective... But she could't picture him kissing her or even mating again. It left her weak and wanting to run away. She.. She didn't know why but her past was bubbling up alot lately... but not only that. It was really embarrassing to think of Tomoe in all of those situations.

Wasn't it?

" I see...' Tomoe whispered and then looked up weakly his eyes weak.. But to her shock he made no move to hold her hand. Instead he turned his back on her and smiled weakly, ' Lets just get something to eat and head home... your mom will start to wonder.' he whispered suddenly and walked away leaving Nanami to twig.

Twisting Friendship: Our Friendship Grows (1.5 )Where stories live. Discover now