TB To When We Met

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It was a hot summer day for about 3 years ago. I decided to go and bath in the lake not as far from my home. I packed bath clothes and called my friend.
Y: Hey Emily! Wanna hang out?
E: Sure!
Y: Pack your swimsuit were gonna go and bath!
E: Okay see ya in 10!
I took the bike and I met Emily.
Y: Really hot today! 😎
E: Yeah!
We arrived to the beach and I put on my sunglasses. We found a place to leave our things and then we run to the water!
After half an hour we got up from the water and started walking back to our place.

Niall P.O.V

Wow it's hot today! 🔥
I wanna go and bath!
I called my friend Eric.
Y: Eyy Eric! Wanna go and bath!?
E: Sure see ya in 5!
We biked to the beach. We arrived and we started looking for a place.
Here? I said, it wasn't that long to the water. We sat behind 2 girls.
I saw one of the girls looking at me, but when I met her eyes she looked away.
She was really cute.
E: Come on Niall! It's so hot! I wanna bath!
N: Yeah I'm coming!
We run to the water and started splash water on each other. Sometimes I looked at the girl and I saw she looked at me sometimes too.
I started to blush.
We got up from the water and back to our place.
E: Wanna play soccer?
Y: Sure!
We played and when I was about to kick the ball I accidentally kicked it right on the girl.
I didn't think and just ran right to the girl and shouted out.

The girl:
It's okay! I promise she said while start giggling.

Y: You think it's funny? 👀
The girl: Yeah 😂 I love to play soccer! And I've been hit many times by these footballs! 😂

Y: oh okay! 👌🏻
Again I didn't think and asked her if she and her friend wanna play with us and luckily she said yes!
Y: Oh I forgot! What's your name?
The girl: My names Y/N and this is my friend Emily!
Y: Nice to meet ya both! 😂
Y: My name is Niall and this is my friend Eric!

Your P.O.V
Niall...so cute name I thought for myself... He's really cute too.
I looked at him when he kicked the ball to Emily.
Emily kicked the ball to me and I got it.
I kicked the ball to Niall and accidentally I kicked him right in the stomach.
N: it's okay 😂
I saw him giggle and we all played again.

The day was about to end and we all have come each one closer.

We all sat around a campfire.
N: Who wanna play truth or Dare?
All: Me!
Er: Okay who starts to ask?
Em: I can!
She asked Eric and he said truth.
Em: Do you like someone?
Er: Yes!
Everyone said ohh...😏
Er: Okay my turn!
Er: Niall truth or dare?
N: Dare 😝
Er: I dare you to go away alone with Y/N 5 minutes.
Niall started to blush and me too tbh...
N: Okay okay I will...
We both walked away.
We sat down on the beach in the moonlight. No one was there.
Y: So okay? What r we gonna do?
N: Don't know 😝
We started talking and Niall started to talk about the accident who happened earlier today.
N: You know I'm really sorry for hit you with the ball...
Y: It's okay Niall, I promise! 😝
N: Good! 👌🏻

We sat there and we both know it had go more than 5 minutes but Emily and Eric didn't come so we sat there alone.
We looked into each other eyes and Niall said.
N: You look beautiful y/n! Tbh I really like you.... He said while he blushed.
Y: Aww Thanks! No one have said That before..😊 you too Niall! 👀 and Tbh I like you too.
We both lean in for a short kiss...
We kissed and kissed and it ended with that we made out instead.
I feel his soft lips against mine and it was magical!
While we made out we didn't heard that Emily and Eric come.
Em to Er: I think we should leave them there some minutes more 😝😏
Er: I think that's a good Idea 😂👀
They walked back to the campfire again...
Y: I saw Emily and Eric!! I think they saw us!
N: I saw them too and I know they saw us but I don't care! ❤️
Y: me neither! ❤️
We started to kiss again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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