Chapter 4

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"Nick?" Judy called.

Nick groaned, sat up, holding his head, and moaning. His vision cleared out, seeing only Judy and Finnick. His muscles are surprisingly sore, considering the fact that he works out everyday, and is probably used to it by now.

"Oh, Nick!" with a sudden burst of emotion, Judy hugged him. Nick, startled of the sudden action, was either choosing to hug her back, or to just sit there, and think about the soreness he's feeling.

But instead of choosing, all he did was say, "What happened?"

Finnick volunteered but his explanation was more like, "Dude, you were chasing us, and then you were about to eat Judy up, and was like trying to communicate with me. I couldn't understand. Then you were about to ki-"

"Finnick!" Judy stopped him.

"The point is, you went savage. But after 15 minutes, you dropped onto Judy." Finnick continued earning an angry look from Judy, and a confused look from Nick.

"What? That's how I roll!" Finnick joked but it wasn't really a joke. He was never good at explaining things the right way.

"Well, what we need right now is a back up. The tires went flat after you claw one off." Judy told him, as he was still trying to regain his strength.

"Seriously? What time is it though?" he asked, leaning back on the wall where he sat, moaning, groaning, like he is having a migrane.

"It's an hour before sun rise."

"What? I was passed out that long? I thought only for 15 minutes?" he said disbelievingly, wide eyed, and tried standing up.

"Yep. You attacked us for 15 minutes, but passed out for 5 and a quarter hours."

"What harm have I done?"

"I nearly lost a head, and clawed the tires. That was all." Judy replied, ears drooping and grabbing something on her neck. It was a mark left of Nick from the attack early on. Thank goodness it wasn't deep.

"I'll just get something from the car." Judy said, leaving the both of them. She opened the door of the passenger seat, and entered. After adjusting the rear view mirror, she looked at the bites he left just between her jaw and neck. It hurts like daggers but thanks to her strength, she was able to push him away earlier; it helped her not get eaten to death and Nick being a murderer. Remembering the incident just now, it reminded her of the Bellwether incident. It felt like it had something to do with her escape.

Meanwhile, with Nick and Finnick, Nick was groaning in anger.

"I am such an idiot!" Nick half shouted for a reason that Judy might hear and come back to them.

"Nick, calm down. She's still fine." Finnick tried calming him but didn't work. Nick was still ranting about how stupid he is in his mind. "Let's forget about this, can't we?"

"That would be a good idea if there weren't any marks. I saw one, just by her neck!" Nick exclaimed, loud enough for anyone within 100 feet could hear. Unfortunately, Judy overheard their conversation from the start.

"Nick, that isn't like you. Why do you care too much about that cop?" Finnick asked, suspiciously, going nearer to Nick, looking at him in the eye, holding his collars with both hands. "Tell me!"

At this point, Judy listened more intently at them. Nick fished for the right words, but instead of saying so, he mouthed, "I love her."

Judy was curious. She heard no answer from him. She step out of the car, while caressing the mark, and head back to where they were.

"Judy?" Nick called.


"Does that mark hurt?"

"A little. Why?"

"It looks different."

"What do you mean?" after that said, Nick stood up, away from Finnick, examined the mark, and sniff her when he got the chance.

"Please tell me I didn't mark you."



Okay... unbelievable. Soo, things are escalating quickly 'cause I'm not spoiling, just want to tell you, that this have a lot of plot changes. Like at one moment they are angry, then sad. Like that. I hope you liked this one. I honestly have no exact plot for this chapter. I just want to update for you guys, and for me to keep motivation on updating this book. Thank you if ever you read this.

And Share it with others!


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