Discovering My Love *Chapter 1*

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*sighs* "Another boring day " you say laying down on your bed pulling out your laptop. "I wonder what to watch" you said scrolling through your suggestion on YouTube. A named popped up "JackSepticEye huh" you said clicking on the video. *Wapish* "Top of da morning to ya laddies my name is JackSepticaEye and welcome back to HAPPPY WHEEELLLS" the guy said as his intro. He was quite adorable with his faded green hair. After twenty minutes of "SPEEED ISS KEEYY" "FUCK YOU BILLY" " SEGWAY STEVE" and a bunch of giggles later you began to like this YouTuber. 

You subscribed to his channel and punched the like button in the face like a boss. " How could I have not found this guy sooner " you said to yourself feeling over joyed. You decided to watch a few more videos after about the tenth one you fell in love with him. He was so sweet , caring , genuine , funny , happy and positive. You just wanted to be like him. Eventually you had to close your laptop and go to sleep.

My World a Screen Away (ReaderxJackSepticEye)ORIGINALWhere stories live. Discover now