"He's here," I say breathlessly, my gaze darting around through the trees to make sure Kaden isn't there.

"Who?" Grayson asks.

I thrust the paper at his chest. As he looks at it, his gaze narrows. While he is doing so, I'm looking around, wiping my sweaty palms against my shirt. All I can think, is one simple thing.

Kaden is here.

"You think this is Kaden's doing? There's no way to tell," Grayson says, in a pathetic way to console me. The thought of Kaden, here, in the one place I've felt safe makes me want to throw up, or maybe to cry.

"Of course it's his doing! He's taunting me," I say, my voice strangled.

Grayson still looks confused.

"Only Alpha Kaden would ever hang something like this! He meant for me to see it," I insist. Grabbing the poster from Grayson's hand, I rip into pieces, and throw them into the air.

It was as I watched them blow away with the breeze, that I noticed something else in the distance. Another tree, further away, with a poster hanging from it. Grabbing Grayson's hand, I drag him toward it.

The same poster, with the same picture, but a different caption at the bottom.

I Wonder Who He Is?

In anger, I toss the paper over my shoulder. He knows who my mate is. And something tells me, he's going to use it against me.

Grayson picks the paper back up to look at it himself.

"He probably doesn't even know," Grayson says into the air. I shake my head furiously.

"He would have had to know. He was there taking pictures," I mutter. My words make my heart sink. I'm sure I'm right.

Grayson grabs my hand again, squeezing it gently. The look on his face suggests he is worried about the Kaden situation as well. Why wouldn't he be? The Alpha of the Vengeance Pack hanging around is like a bad omen.

"I think I see another," he murmurs.

From that point on, they just keep coming. Picture after picture of me, with cruel, sadistic captions underneath, written to taunt me.

I was holding a poster that said:

Watch Your Back, Cause' I'm Watching It Too.

"I have to go," I say. If I stay here, then Kaden is going to drag me back to the Vengeance Pack, and I'll be back to where I started.

"No, stay here. My estate is not too far from here, and I promise, it's safe," Grayson insists. Would Kaden dare step into another Alphas home to retrieve me? I can imagine he would have the audacity...

I sigh, dropping the poster.

"I just feel like so much of a burden. And I'm not sure what Kaden would think about me staying with another Alpha," I say pointedly.

I don't doubt for a second that Alpha Grayson could look after himself, but how long would it be until Kaden took action? Do I even matter enough to him to bother? Maybe it I'm out of his reach, he might give up on trying to pursue me.

"I have Guards, and the place is pretty enclosed. You'll be safe there."

I nod. "Okay, I'll do it."

He grins, but the delightful expression soon falls from his face, and he goes pale. I turn around, to see what he is staring at, and it's another photo. It's plastered on a few tree behind us.

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