"And I have no room in my life to lose you!" He suddenly yells, catching me off guard as he gets up with a scowl. "God damn it, Tallulah! You're always thinking about yourself and losing someone, you're not thinking about me or your friends, you're not thinking about what's going to happen to me if I... If I lose you."


"No, listen to me. You and I will face Conall, together, and anyone who wants to help is welcomed, but you can't walk into hell alone, not when there are tens offering help and rescue." He says, looking angrily at me.

He is right, I can't deny it, but I also can't accept it. He thinks it's selfish from me to think that way, but I don't look at it from that perspective. I'm trying as hard as I can to make the number of death small.

There will be pain, there will be suffering. I know that. We will lose someone, maybe two, someone close to our hearts, and we will suffer. However, I think this loss is what will make us stronger and what will make us fight harder.

There should be hardship before ease.

"I can't do that, Louis." I tell him quietly, my gaze on the floor. "I can't fight him knowing that there is someone with me who will get hurt."

"It will only be him—"

"No," I cut him off. "Conall is not stupid, he is not going to fight me on his own, he probably even thinks that I will bring someone with me when the time comes."

"I will go with you." Louis grits. "Don't fight me on this."

This is the first time I have seen Louis so persistent on something, so stubborn, but I understand where he is coming from. If I were him, I would do the exact same thing he is doing.

"Okay," I nod, not really sure if I'm being honest. "I'm sorry."

A knock on the door startles the both of us, but we soon relax when we see Wren and Harry coming inside with smiles over their faces.

"Wow, you guys look like shit." Wren says, looking back and forth between me and Louis.

Louis looks at me for help, and I soon realise that they have never met properly. Oh my, how can I forget.

"Wren, that's Louis," I point at him and gives me the 'I—know—stupid' look. "Louis, that's Wren—told you lots about her—and that's Harry, her fiancé."

"Nice to meet you, too." He nods with a smile.

"You too, mate." Harry waves. "Hey, Louis, want to grab a drink or something to eat?"

Louis raises his eyebrow. "What?"

"Our ladies here want to talk for a little," Harry nods towards Wren, who gives me a nervous smile. "Are you going to come? You can meet the rest of the lads, too."

Louis sighs. "Yeah, sure."

Giving Louis a small smile, he secretly winks and grazes his hand over mine before waiting for Harry next to the door. Harry kisses Wren's cheek and says, "Be safe."

I scoff at his ridiculousness. "Don't worry, won't kill her."

He raises his middle finger in the air and says, "Fuck you."

As he gets out of the room, I see Louis hitting him on the back of his head, which makes Harry laugh lightly and shove him to the side. Well, for two who just met each other, they seem to hit it off pretty well.

Wren looks at me, wiggles her eyebrows as her lips stretch in a wide grin. "He's hot!"

I laugh and sit down on the bed. "You just said that we both look like shit."

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