Chapter 20

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*Graces POV*
Things seem to start of well and then get bad regularly. We only had a few weeks left of summer and I had recently sorted everything out with all of the boys. But the next week Chris and I got into another fight. I really didn't expect it and this time I'm done with him for real. I'm so mad at him. He tries to fix things and fucks it up over fucking nothing. We had just gotten done playing cards, Chris was mad because he had lost three times in a row. We all thought we should call it quits. Everyone was poking fun at him, but when I did it, he snapped.  "So Chris, what does it feel like to be a loser?" I had asked laughing. He glared at me, "Oh I don't know, I guess I should ask the girl who let her ex-boyfriend almost beat her to death, right?" I shrunk back in my seat. Everyone became quite. "That was too far man and you know it. We were all just messing with you." Teddy said. "Shut up Teddy." Chris barked. "Okay man, leave for a little bit and calm down before you cause more damage." Gordie said. "Fine! Whatever!" He said slapping a chair as he left. I hadn't said a word since. "I'm sorry, I don't know why he did that. It was uncalled for." Teddy said. "Don't apologize for him." I said. He just nodded. I started rubbing my legs vigorously, "Well I'm going to go." "Why?" Vern asked.  "Because it's awkward. He just totally pointed out what everyone was thinking. I could cut the awkwardness with a knife." I said pointedly. "No really, no one was thinking that, and it's not awkward." Gordie said trying to make me feel better, Teddy nodded in agreement. "Well actually Gordie, it is a little awkward." Vern said. "Shut up Vern!" He yelled. I smiled weakly, "See? It's fine really. I'll see you guys around." I got up and started leaving. "See Vern! You need to learn to shut your mouth!" Teddy yelled. I just shook my head and laughed quietly. I realized I had no idea where I was going so I just started walking. I walked to the tracks and followed them for some time. I turned around to walk back trying to keep my balance on one rail. There was a raccoon. Normally I pay no attention to animals but this one in particular seemed to be watching me in a way I didn't care for. It started hissing. Well I was fucked. I tried to find a stick without making any sudden movements. It lunged forward slightly and I screamed. I knew I couldn't outrun it so I wasn't really sure what to do. I tried to shoo it away but it just batted at my hand. "Ow, fuck." It's claws were sharp. "Okay fucker, first of all you're an animal. I am a human." It proceeded to hiss again. "Ahhhh! Okay." I started running and hoped it wasn't following me. It wasn't, but I kept going just to be safe. That raccoon was such a bitch. Next time I'm just gonna stab it. I thought this but it would never actually happen. When I got back into town it was late afternoon and I was hungry to say the least. I stopped into Blue Point, and the waitress who always served me was there. I sat at the counter and she came skating over. "Hey there darlin'" she said. "Hey Rhonda." "How's it going sugar? You want the usual." "Okay, and you? Yes I would please." "Comin right up." She put the small note paper on the order wheel and spun it. She skated back over to me, "Now sugar what's got ya down?" She had a southern accent that comes and goes. Sometimes it's light and sweet and sometimes it's as thick as a Russian lady's. "Not much, stuff with my friends." "It is that cute one you like?" She practically yelled. "Shh! Rhonda! How do you know about that?!" "Oh the little one told me. Glasses, always wearing green for some reason." "Teddy. Well great." I said and sighed. "What's the big deal? Who else you gonna talk to?" She had a point. "I don't know, Chris just always gets mad at me now and when we try and fix it he always ruins it and I'm kinda just over it ya know? Just done. Exhausted." The bell rang for an order and she skated down to get it but it didn't prevent her from talking, or yelling really, "Well sugaah tell him how ya feel. Tell him if it's too much ya'll shouldn't be friends. Just let him know. It's easier that way. No way around it." She came back with my burger. "You're right, but first I need to eat." She laughed, "That's my girl." Rhonda was a friend of mine but I very rarely, if ever, had talks like these with her. I guess she's the only motherly figure I have so that's why. ".50 cents Rhonda?" I said when I finished. "On the house darlin'" she said and winked at me. I thanked her and went home to take a shower and change. After that I went to the tree house. Everyone was there, and calm I noted. They greeted me warmly. "Hey guys." I took a seat. They continued talking. After they were finished we were just sitting around. The sky was dark and there was a rumble of thunder in the distance. Everyone shot looks between Chris and I. "Alright well... Im gonna go." They didn't seem too thrilled about that remark as I got up. They were trying to get Chris to say something to me but he wouldn't. I closed the hatch but I heard them through the window. "Okay fine!" Chris sighed in defeat. The others sounded satisfied. The hatch opened and then closed, "Cashman wait." Chris called just as it began to rain. Oh great, I thought. "What Chris?" Now it was my turn to be a bitch. "I'm sorry about what I said earlier." "I know." "You know?" "Yeah, I know," I said just as a loud clap of thunder came, "You're sorry, you want to fix it, have it be like old times again. I've heard it all before and I'm quite done with it actually." The rain poured down harder. "Done?" "Yes Chris. Done. With all this bullshit." He looked confused and he was tripping on his words, "W-w-what? You're done with me? With this?" He said gesturing in the air between us. "Yes Chris! I'm done! I'm tired, I'm exhausted. I don't know what you want and I don't plan on trying to figure it out anymore!" I yelled. "It's just not worth it! We just shouldn't be friend anymore! It's too complicated." I screamed. "Oh you don't know what I want, Ms Indecisive!" "Yeah!" "Fine if that's how you feel then we shouldn't be friends anymore!" He yelled. "That's not what I want you stupid idiot! You just don't get it!" "I don't get what!" "That this is the only way this is going to work!" I shouted. He grabbed both my forearms "Fine!" He shouted angrily and released me with force, "You know what I want?! You. I want you. For three years that's all I've wanted! But how do you tell your best friend of fifteen years who has no interest in you that you're in love with her? You don't! You push it down, you hide it, you act cold so as not to let on that you love her! There, are you fucking happy?!" I was soaking wet and out of breath from yelling. I was taken back by this revelation even though we all had our suspicions. "You love me?!" I yelled over the rain. "Yeah." He said breathlessly. "Are you fucking kidding me Chris?! I've liked you since we were five! Are you fucking serious." He just chuckled and shrugged not sure what else to do. I ran and jumped into him wrapping my arms around his neck. He grabbed me and swung me around. He put me down, both of us breathless. We looked into each others eyes, and I kissed him. We kissed in the rain for what felt like hours and hours. Just the two of us. Just as it should be.

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