Chapter 17

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*Graces POV*
I woke up in my bed and I had thought everything was a dream. I sighed with relief and went to take a shower. I turned on the light and I saw my face and realized everything from last night was real. I wasn't sure how I got home or into bed but I assumed I had just eventually found my way. The entire left side of my face was a deep purple and really swollen. It looked like I had popped all of my blood vessels and gotten stung by bees in which I was allergic to. My nose was crooked and I wasn't sure if it would ever be back to normal. I took a shower, threw on some fresh clothes, and iced my face. I took the ice with me to the tree house so that the swelling would go down quicker. When I got there, surprisingly, there was no one there. Usually it's either Chris or Teddy but then again I wasn't sure what time it was so they very well could have been sleeping still. I sat in a chair looking out the window enjoying the beautiful day that comes after a storm and keeping the ice on my face when I heard someone climb the rungs. Teddy popped his head in, "Didn't expect you here. Wanna get breakfast?" I nodded. "I expect Chris already told you about last night." I said as we were walking. He looked confused, "Well yeah, and you did too." Now I was confused. "I did?" I asked surprised. "What's the last thing you remember from last night?" He asked. "Chris and I arguing... After that it's all kind of a blur." "Well you were kind of in a daze," he said quietly. Then had this weird look on his face but blinked it away in a second. "You don't have a concussion, right?" "I don't think so, I mean I woke up this morning." "Alright, but you don't remember anything after that?" We paused to order our food. "No, like I said, a blur." "Right, well, after Chris told me everything. I found you and brought you home. You weren't there at first but you took a shower and seemed okay, just somber." "That's really unnerving. I mean the fact that a whole series of events occurred and I have no recollection of them at all. I don't like it one bit." He nodded, "Yeah I understand that." There was a long silence, "Well, do you want to jump off the tracks with Gordie and I today?" He asked. I was unusually tired and physically drained but I said yes anyway. "Let's not do it directly after we eat though." He laughed, "Right." It really hurt to chew, or move my jaw at all really. I just chewed slow, and didn't complain. Teddy paid and we started walking home. This morning was cool with a nice breeze, but by this time it was an uncomfortable, sticky-hot. The kind of heat that just bothers you and you can't get anything done. We got to the tree house and I laid down. I started dozing off. "Teddy," I whispered sleepily. "Teddy, when Gordie gets here wake me up. Then we'll go to my house and I'll get my swim suit." He chuckled lightly, "Alright darlin'" and then I fell asleep. The light was really bright and someone was shaking me. I was really sticky and wet. I put my hand on my forehead and the back of my neck, sweat. Gross. "I'm up." I coughed out lazily. "How long has it been?" I asked. "Well Gordie got here just after you fell asleep, but we let you sleep. So about an hour. Maybe more, we're not sure." Teddy said. "I'm all sweaty because if this damn heat," I said leaning back on my elbows, "let's go get my suit, I'm ready to go jumping." I'm pretty sure it was one thousand degrees out. The boys waited on my couch while I changed. I put jean shorts on over my bottoms and kept my top on by itself. I checked over myself in the bathroom before I went out. The swelling went down slightly, I'm going to grab more ice for it, I ran a brush through my hair and brushed my teeth real quick then went out to the den. "Ready?" Gordie asked. "Yeah just let me get some ice for the swelling and then we'll go." They nodded. It only took a quick second and then we left. I had my Chuck Taylor's on, although I just should've gone without shoes at all. When we got there I had realized it would be very cold because of all the rain. "Gordie, jump with me." He looked surprised, "Okay." Teddy was crazy, he'd do anything wild. "See ya, losers!" He said, jumping backwards. Jumping backwards was scary to me because you can't see the water below you. Gave me the creeps. "Are you okay? I mean that looks like it hurts." Gordie said regarding my face. "I felt it a lot this morning, but other than that not too much. I just hope my face goes back to normal." I said laughing. He laughed, "Alright, you ready?" "Don't try and kiss me Lachance! Even though I'm hurt I can still kick your ass!" He just laughed. He grabbed my hand and we jumped. We broke the water and were submerged so quick I didn't have time to register the temperature until we floated to the top. "Oh my god! This is freezing! I think my tits are going to fall off!!!!" I shouted but I was giggling because this was so much fun. The boys were already wrestling, and I swam to the bed of rocks to lay down on. I was under the bridge but the sun found a way to bake me. I was dry and hot very quickly. I didn't hear the boys splashing around anymore so I tried listening really hard, nothing. I opened one eye when an entire wave of freezing cold water came over me. They started laughing loudly. "You guys are so dead!" I can't believe they did that! But honestly I probably should have expected it. I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe, and I dove into the water. The water felt really good on my face. I brought them both under and we messed around for awhile. We got out of the water and started drying off under the bridge. It seemed really late in the day but I never knew the time today, I never checked. "Does anyone know what time it is?" I asked laughing. Teddy did this thing with his hands under the sun to see how many hours of sunlight we had left. "4:00?" He said. "So we pretty much have to whole day left." Gordie said. I laughed. "Let's go back." I said. We were laughing and talking and overall having a good time, I mean it was a good day. We got into the tree house and Chris was there. We all went silent when he turned around. His eyes were puffy and his face was red. "What happened?" Gordie asked worriedly. "Lucy broke up with me."

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