She's Back

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Jack: After that I was confused and tormented. Some nights she'd say we are together, and others she would say we weren't. I need this to be set straight. "Mark I'm going out for a bit," "Where are you off to?" I stop for a little. Should I tell him? No, this is something that I need to settle alone I can't have him do everything for me. "Just need some alone time at the park is all." Mark smiles and waves. I text her I'm coming over to settle this. When I get there she opens the door. "Jack, I'm glad you came alone." I take my shoes off and sit on the couch. "What the fock is going on!? Some nights ye say that we are together, and then ye brush it off like ye never said that on others!" She staggers a little. "It was because of Mark! He started saying things to me and I couldn't take it. After that he has been sending death threats and tormented me! I tried staying strong, but some nights I got drunk and sent you those god awful things. Look Jack all that matters is that you leave him."


               My eyes get a little red and puffy. "Ye are telling me that my best friend is mentally insane and that I should just leave him!?" "Yes! Do that so we can be together!" I can't believe that she's saying this! "No! He has been there for me, and I will not leave him based off of what ye say!" She throws bottles around me and hits me in the face. I accidentally hit some glass on my feet and arms. I had cuts all over my arms. "J-Jack! Leave him." Psychotic bitch! I need to get out of here, but my feet are too slippery from the blood and I can't feel them. Then the door breaks open. "Mark!" "Sean!" He punches her in the face and picks me up. "Are you OK?" "My feet and arms hurt a little." She get back up yelling. "Run Jack before it's too late!" He takes me to the car and drives me home. He carries me to the bathroom and sits me down. "I'm so sorry, but this is going to hurt." Tears roll down my cheek. "Why is this happening to me?" Mark holds me as he takes some of the glass out of me.

               Once they are out he takes my clothes off. "What are ye doing Mark!?" Mark starts the tub. "You need to clean yourself up, but since your can't move your limbs for a while I'll help you." I cover my face in his chest to cry as he washes me off. After that I sleep with all the bandages on.

Mark: She did this to him, she needs to pay. Granted I get to see him all vulnerable for a while I still can't let what she did slip by me that easily. I go to her house and make is look like she burnt her house down herself as a way of suicide. I walked away as her house burns with her inside of it. I drive back to the house  and lock the doors. I slip myself in my bed and sleep. In the middle of the night I hear screaming. I rush in and see he was having a nightmare. I hold him and he stops crying. "Please stay Mark for a while longer." "Of course Jack, I'll do whatever you want." I scoots close to me and goes back to sleep. God he looks so easy to mess up right now. I now know that the wait i no more. He has no clue what he's going to wake up to in the morning.

Markiplier x Jacksepticeye: Yandere LoveWhere stories live. Discover now