Chapter 7

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I look at Brian as he follows Allison. "Why'd you want to know if Claire and I were a couple?" Andrew asks me. I look at him. "Just all." I mutter. "No I don't think so." He says. "Oh come on Andrew. You can't tell me that's the first time someone's assumed that." I say. "It's not. I just don't know why." He says. "You must be really stupid." I say. "Excuse me?" He asks. "Come on. A girl like her, with a boy like you. It makes perfect sense to society." I say. Then I'm quiet.

"But?" He says expecting me to say more. "But I don't process that kind of thing the way society does. Be honest, if you two were together, would you feel connected?" I ask Andrew. "No. I guess not." He says. "Exactly! And do you wanna know why? Because you two have nothing in common." I say. "I can see it. Everyone can see it, but society still chooses to pair you together because of your social status and your looks." I say.

"Ok fair point." Andrew says. "So, if you would have to pair me with someone, who would it be?" He asks. I look at him. "I don't know." I mutter. "No. A minute ago, you couldn't shut up about my love life, and now, you don't know?" He says. I shake my head. "I didn't know I had to be a match maker." I say.

"I'm not asking you to be a match maker, I'm asking you for an answer." He says. I look at him. "A lot of girls would date you." I say. "Would you?" He asks. I feel my face heat up and I get up and walk to the stairs. "Hey, hey, hey, it's just a question, Kathleen." Andrew says. I look at him.

"That I don't want to answer." I say shrugging. "You like me." He says. "Don't flatter yourself, Sporto." I say crossing my arms. "You say you hate me, you call me names, but deep down inside," He says poking my shoulder. "You really like me." He says, grinning like an idiot. "Shut up." I say.

I groan and start walking up the stairs to the balcony. I sigh and sit on the floor and lean against the railing. He sits next to me. I look at him and try to be serious. He does the same. I feel a smile tugging at my lips. He smiles at me. Then Allison, Brian, Claire, and Bender walk up the stairs and we sit in a circle. "I'm bored." Claire says. "Let's play a game." She says.

"Andy." She says. He looks at her. "What would you do for a million bucks?" She asks. He contemplates that for a minute. "What would I do for a million bucks? Well, I guess I'd do as little as I had to." He says. "That's boring." I say. Claire nods. "Well, how'm I s'posed to answer?" Andrew asks. "The idea is to like search your mind for the absolute limit. Like, uh, would you drive to school naked?" Claire asks.

Andrew laughs. "Um, uh...would I have to get out of the car?" He asks. "Of course." Claire says. "In the spring, or winter?" He asks. "It doesn't matter...spring." Claire says. "In front of the school or in back of the school?" Andrew asks. "Either one." Claire says. "Yes." He says. I laugh. "I'd do that!" Allison says.

Everyone looks at her. "I'll do anything sexual, I don't need a million dollars to do it either." She says. "You're lying." Claire says. "I already have...I've done just about everything there is except a few things that are illegal...I'm a nymphomaniac." Allison says. Claire rolls her eyes. "Lie." She says. "Are your parents aware of this?" Brian asks. "The only person I told was my shrink." Allison says.

"And what'd he do when you told him?" I ask. "He nailed me." She says. My eyes widen. "Very nice." Claire says. "I don't think that from a legal standpoint what he did can be construed as rape since I paid him." Allison says. "He's an adult!" Claire says. Allison is relishing this attention. "Yeah...he's married too!" She says. Claire notes her disgust. "Do you have any idea how completely gross that is?" Claire demands. "Well, the first few times-" Allison starts. "First few times? You mean he did it more than once?" Claire interrupts.

"Sure." Allison says. "Are you crazy?" Claire demands. "Obviously she's crazy if she's screwing her shrink." Brian says. "Have you ever done it?" Allison asks Claire. "I don't even have a psychiatrist." Claire says. "Have you ever done it with a normal person?" Allison asks.

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