chapter eight

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"Good Morning Students." Mrs. Markey said from the front of the room, mathematics. What a horrible thing to have to learn. Maya sat next to Riley, bored and doodling a body of calm, untouched water in her notebook. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and hid it underneath her notebook, when Mrs. Markey turned around she quickly texted Lucas.

Maya: I'm bored. Let's wander.

Lucas: Maya, it's only third hour

Maya: Please.

Wander with me.

Let's sneak out of this place.

Lucas: I don't know...

Maya: It's not like we're DITCHING exactly, we'd be doing our History assignment.

I'll be at your locker, you better come.

Maya put her phone back in her pocket and moved her notebook onto Riley's desk, Riley stared at her confused until Maya raised her hand.

"Mrs. Markey, may I go to the bathroom please?" She had that mischievous flicker in her eye that no one but Riley could see.

"Of course Maya."

Riley looked between the two. "Maya what are you doing?" She asked in a low, quiet voice.

"I'm going to the bathroom Riles." She stood up and walked casually out the door before running over to Lucas's locker.

When she got to his locker Lucas was already standing there with his black trench coat hanging on his arm. He looked worried, like he'd never snuck out of school before – which he hadn't.

"I was starting to think you weren't coming." He said handing her his jacket.

"I'm not holding your coat for you princess."

"I'm giving it for you to wear Maya – I know you don't have one." He opened his locker again and pulled out a blue winter jacket from North Face. "I've got another so don't worry about me."

The corners of her mouth turned up for a second then she slung on his coat and led him out the back door. When they got into his car they were both smiling wider than either of them had in a long while.

"Maya Hart you make life an adventure!" Lucas said jamming the keys into the ignition and starting his car.

"Lucas Friar you keep me sane." She said unfolding a map from the glove compartment, he looked at her.


Maya, realizing what she'd said, looked around frantically, "Eyes on the road hop-along." He looked back to the road. "Turn right." She'd already found and circled the first place she wanted to wander with him.

After a few hours of road trip adventures, quick stops at gas stations and screaming the words to all the songs on the radio, they finally got to the Chimney Buffs. Lucas parked the car and they hiked to the highest peak they could. The peak, 150 feet about the ground, had a small space to stand so Lucas and Maya stood close to each other, looking down at the clay rocks that had been whipped into shape by the wind and waves.

"It's so beautiful here." Maya said looking around, her eyes settled on looking at Lucas. Here, on the highest point of the Chimney Buffs he stood with his hands on her waist, to make sure she didn't fall, and gazing into each other's eyes. Lost in the blue of the others eyes instead of the blue of the water around them.

"I know we're supposed to be looking at the natural wonder but, I think the best natural wonder of New York is you." Lucas said brushing hair out of her face. Maya smiled up at him and ran her fingers in his hair before leaning forward and resting her forehead on his chest.

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