"Who are you?" I asked as I sat down across from her, "hmf if your really that desperate" she said leaning forward "I am Scarlet but my friends call me Scar for short, but you have no right to say that so you'll have to call me Scarlet for now Fire" she said smirking "please don't call me Fire I have a name" I replied a little annoyed "oh? Then what is your name.... Fire" she teased sounding interested "I'm Maya" I said sternly.

      "Well 'Maya', have you ever heard of the Tribe Of The Flameless Star" my heart stopped as I thought back to the dream I had 'the Tribe Of the Flamless of coming'. "Well no" I said as Scarlet started circling me around the stump.

    All of a sudden she grabbed my shoulders and whispered in my ear "there's always room in The Tribe Of The Flameless Star if you want to join Maya, we can hunt evil down and be 'best friends'" she whispered. Sirens started blaring in my head and voices whispered.
'Warn the Tribe'
'Strike back'
Then she whispered "why don't you come with me? We could make you a Warrior and finish your training" she said as I heard a smirk in her voice.

       I then wiggled out of her grip and stood up and looked at her as she readjusted and stood up. "Listen I'm already loyal to my Tribe but I appreciate the offer" I said as I started to walk away as the sun started to disappear into the mountains.

   As I started walking off I felt her grab my shoulder "you can't say no to me Maya" she growled angrily I the gripped my sword as she dug her nails into my shoulders. "Or what" I challenged her as I smirked knowing a few dirty tricks from the Naga incident. "Hmf you want to fight we'll fight if that's what you want" she spat.

    "Actually..." I said gripping my sword tighter "I have to go to my Tribe in stead of fighting a person who LIES" I yelled as I wiped around stabbed her side with my sword she let out a painful shriek as she held her side and backed up bending down a little caching her breath.

    "I tried to be nice" she spat painfully as she stood up straight and glared at me her eyes turning Aqua blue and started swirling around like my eyes do when I'm angry.

     "Don't you get it Fire" she spat "I'm water, water destroys FIRE" she scowled pulling back her hand and shoved them in front of her as I foot wide jet stream of water came out smacking me in the face as I tumbled to the ground as she came up closer and sprayed my face.

I felt like I was drowning, pain echoed in my head as I couldn't breath then the water went away as I started coughing and gasping for breath as Scarlet starts to calm down. She then grabbed the colder of my red and orange striped long sleeve shirt and looked my in the eyes.

      "You are my new prisoner I hope you like jail cells" and with that she started dragging me towards the tunnel, 'No I won't back down from an idiot like you no mater the power' I thought as adrenaline ran threw my vanes. "Not today" I mumbled out loud "hmm what was that" she mocked and with that I grabbed my sword and banged it into the same hip I struck earlier.

      She let out a Yelp of pain as her eyes turned aqua and started to swirl as mine turned like magma and started to burn. "You ready to die scrum" she spat holding her blue swirling sword that looked almost like a demented ocean. "Not if you die with me" I spat grabbing my magma sword.

And with that she charged as our swords collided as the sun disappeared and darkness flowed through the valley.  I then duked as her sword charged at my neck I then fell to the forest floor as Scarlet raised her sword and sliced it downwards, aiming for my face. I then rolled over and as her sword hit the ground, I then got an idea   I then kicked her feet out from under sending her backward. The so thing hit my..... A vision

Journey Book 1: The Wakening Of HeroesWhere stories live. Discover now