Chapter 6-Love is Blind

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In the middle of the night, Isadora woke up to find her sister still laying beside her. "Pen. I think I know what I must do now. Pen." Penelope finally opened her eyes. "I heard you. But, what would that be?"
"I must go and find the Prince myself," said Isadora.
Penelope lifted herself up and looked at her sister. "And why must you do this? To get yourself killed? Is that what you want? What if you don't find him? What then?"
Isadora standed and answered, "Because it is a duty I have. We have been promised to eachother since we were young. Strategy or not, we have a promise. We promised the people, and I make look like a child throwing a tantrum over a crush. But, I feel...deep down...this is so much more than he and I."
"Isadora, you can't make him come back home. It is something he must do. Whatever he is trying to understand, whatever his fears are. That job is his, to conquer and face as a man. So, then he can be able to come back home, in peace."
"Maybe I can try and reason with him. Make him see..." she started crying.
"You love this man," said Penelope boldly.
"Love. HA! What is love when all men do is flee at the mere saying of the word? What is love when the one destined for you flees like a coward?" explained Isadora.
"Then show him. Show him what it is like to have the pain you are going through. Show him all the greatness he could have when the one he could love the most is at his side to rule with, his one and only beloved Queen," said Penelope.
"Will you help me then?" asked Isadora.
Penelope sighed then nodded, "I will, big sister. I will help you flee so you can find your promised one."

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