Chapter Twelve

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Another week had passed and I was struggling not to get caught up in the details of planning a wedding. Kim and my mother were absolute lunatics, not to mention my brother and his family had arrived within the week, which meant I had a full house. This in itself was not a bad thing but it made it far too easy to forget that we were still in a very dangerous situation with the Abruzzo family, who had been oddly quiet for a while. Fortunately, Damian was of a similar mindset to get things sorted and done with so I was not being totally overrun by the women.

I shook my head to clear it of thoughts of my beautiful fiancée. That was yet another issue I was having. Kim was trying hard, really hard to seduce me and I was only barely holding up resistance. It was not that I didn't want her physically, I did, I wanted her so badly it was beginning to cause me pain. However, I refused to give in. I would not touch her until we were declared husband and wife, I even scheduled the reception a full hour and a half after the wedding, which would give us just enough time for a quick tumble before having to socialize with guests for another few hours. My motive in waiting until we were married was simply to give her an opportunity to leave if she changed her mind. I knew the minute we connected physically and spiritually I would be a goner, totally incapable of letting her leave me. So in essence I was protecting us both.

"Errhemm," the sound of someone clearing their throat quickly brought me out of my somber thoughts.

I looked up to find that I was no longer alone in my study. Before me stood my brother and more surprisingly, my father. He and I had not spoken directly since I informed him of my decision to marry the woman I loved so his presence now immediately put me on high alert.

"Father," I greeted, standing at the same time to shake his hand.

Much to my surprise he took my outstretched hand and held on to it firmly. A sense of calm washed over me, in that moment I knew that I had the man I respected most on my side.

"You look well son," he said in his gruff, thickly accented voice.

"So do you, what brings you here today?" I asked, sensing his relief when I cut to the point instead prolonging the small talk.

"I have been hearing whispers in our circles that the Abruzzo family is planning something. Naturally that didn't sit well with me, so I have begun securing allies and have come to find out if you have something planned to counter what is coming."

"Actually yes, things have been set in motion to not only diffuse the situation but also put an end to it once and for all," I told him.

He nodded, giving me the go ahead to explain my plan. I proceeded to tell him what he had uncovered about Anabel being the reason for the still rising tension between the families, at which he tssked in annoyance. I told him of Kimberly's plan to target our next move at Anabel and the social circle she values so much in order to fix the issue we are having.

"Kim believes that under the threat of becoming an outcast from society Anabel will back down and call off her father's men,  we just have to find something compelling enough, something that Anabel would want to keep hidden at all cost."

"Yes, that is a good plan, it would also keep the Abruzzos on a tight leash and force them to remain allies in order to protect the reputation of the only heir to the family business,  your little woman is quite the mastermind," he said nodding with a ghost of a smile gracing his face.

I smiled outright knowing that she had unintentionally won the approval of my father and that we would all be able to coexist in harmony, with all the people I cared about getting along well. I cleared my throat, not wanting to get too sentimental. My father picked up on my need to change the topic and moved on to discussing business at which point Damian felt comfortable enough to join in as well. We talked for a little over an hour before my father stood to leave.

"I would like to meet your bride soon, there is something I want to discuss with her," I couldn't help the way my body tensed at his words.

He chuckled and slapped my shoulder in a comforting manner, "not to worry my son, it will leave her a happier woman, which I believe will definitely make for a very happy marriage between you two."

I relaxed, and though my mind was reeling from trying to figure out what he meant I decided to trust his judgment. The man had after all ran an entire empire for several decades.

"You could meet her right now, if you wish, she's with mother and Lia in the grand dining room," I offered, he nodded his consent and together the three of us made our way to the women.

Kimberly's eyes found mine the minute I entered the room and the brightest smile lit her face upon seeing me, leaving me helpless to the warm fluttering that engulfed my insides whenever I was in her presence. I moved towards her and she met me halfway, throwing herself into my arms. Holding her tight against me, I breathed in deeply, allowing her subtle scent to fill my nostrils.

"How are you, my love?" I asked brushing little wisps of loose hair away from her face.

"I'm wonderful, what are you doing here?" She asked in a very Kimberly-like fashion, never one to entertain small talk when she sensed something else was going on.

I chuckled and turned us both towards my father, "Kimberly, this is my father," I said to her by way of introduction, "and father this is the love of my life," subtly impressing upon him just how much she meant to me.

I could tell she was shell shocked, having not expected to meet him since he had been so insistent on the arranged marriage. Despite that, she quickly composed herself and held out her hand to shake his.

"Signor Giordano, it's a pleasure to meet you," she said, my heart was swollen with pride at the steadiness in her posture and voice, she oozed calm, collected confidence.

I could tell my father was just as impressed, "the pleasure is mine, figlia." He said pulling her unexpectedly into a bear hug.

Now she definitely didn't attempt to hide her surprise as she hugged him back. All of us were shocked, my father's hugs were always reserved for close family members. This was a public statement that he had accepted Kimberly as such, not to mentioned he has just referred to her as his daughter. My head was swimming from the happiness, neither Damian nor I could wipe the wide smiles off our faces meanwhile the women in room were sniffling. Kimberly had been steadily learning the language so I knew she felt the full impact of his words, just like the rest of us.

"Tell me dear, who will be giving you away at your wedding?" He asked.

"Well I had planned to have Damian do it, since he's the reason we're together," she said with uncertainty.

He turned to Damian, "would you mind terribly if I asked to take your place?" Still grinning like a madman, Damian nodded his consent.

Turning back to Kimberly, he asked, "would you allow me the honor of giving you away at your wedding as your father would have done?"

This time she cried outright as she buried her face in his chest.

"Yes of course, padre." She said between sobs.

My father rubbed her back in a comforting manner before turning her into my arms. I scooped her up bridal style and carried her to our bedroom, knowing she would feel better composing herself without an audience. I cradled her in my arms, happy within myself that everything was falling into place. If ever there was a doubt in my mind that things would not go well, all such doubts were removed on this day. Laying us both down on the bed,  I kissed the top of her head and continued to hold  her, not even noticing when we both fell asleep.

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