Chapter Fourteen~*

Start from the beginning

"How long will that take?"

It shrugs, it's body moving grotesquely. "It all depends. Typically you get a few years with the child."

"Why won't I remember anything?"

"You remember what I want you to remember. Regardless of your answer today, you will forget this conversation."

I nod, going quiet. The sandman stays standing at the edge of my bed, not moving or making any attempts to leave.

"What if I say no?"

"Then I leave and you will forget. But you won't say no."

"What makes you say that?"

"I can feel your longing. You need a child. That's what you tell yourself and I can give you that. Isn't a short amount of time better than nothing at all?"

I go quiet, thinking. He does have a point. Even a short amount of time with a child is better than none at all and the part about me telling myself I need a child . . . Sometimes it feels like that. But the idea of having a child made out of him was kind of gross.

"Will the kid be cute?"

"I fashion them to your wants."

I know it's a bad idea to make a deal with this creature but every part of me is screaming to do it. I never had the chance to hold my baby in my arms or see it face or even know the gender and here is the sandman offering to give me that chance.

"Okay," I started, "I-"

"What the hell is going on?"

Our heads snap to the door. A boy I vaguely recognize storms into the room, the goggles around his throat bouncing up from the force of his walk. He gets right up in the sandman's face.

"You know it's against the rules for you to offer any services to anyone in the mansion. If Slenderman heard about this, he would be pissed."

The sandman backed down, starting to slink away. "I was trying to help. She called me."

"Yeah, yeah, you all always use the same excuse. Get out of here before I tell Slenderman."

The sandman twists it's way out of my room. The boy stays by my bed, watching it go down the stairs. I'm so shocked by everything that had just happened that it takes me a few seconds to realize he had ruined my chances.

"Hey!" I shout, jumping up. "Why did you do that?"

He turns to me, his face grim. "I just helped you. Trust me, you do not want to make a deal with that guy. It hurts more than it helps. You don't need him or his child."

I stop, surprised by him. I didn't even know this guy and here he was telling me he knew what was best for me. "Who even are you?"

His eyebrows scrunch together. "We've met before. Call me Toby."

I frown. "When did we meet?"

"Don't you remember? I was the one who saved you from the fire."

Images and impressions from that night come flying at me. I could never figure out who was the one who had saved me. In my dreams it was always just this mysterious figure who would show up without fail and save me from the hungry flames.

"That was you?"

He nods. "Yes. I apologize for this being the way we meet again. I had been trying to get a shift to watch you but Slender didn't want me near you for some reason. He probably thought I would trigger something."

"So what, you just came up here on your own?"

"Actually, I did. I heard you were in your room and I had some free time so I decided to pop on by. Good thing too or you would have made a huge mistake." He frowns. "Also you're going to pass out in a second. I'm gonna take you to the infirmary and make myself look all heroic. But don't worry, I'll be there when you wake up."

"Why am I-" Everything went dark before I could finish my sentence.

1- Toby

"Told ya," I say to her unconscious body. She was lighter than I thought she would be and it was fairly easy to carry her down though I did complain a little bit internally.

When we get to the bottom floor, I try to avoid gaining the attention of people-specifically Gold-because CP's can are nosy asses. However, I manage to fail right away in my only task because someone just so happened to be leaving the living room when I get down. His eyes go wide and he drops the bowl of popcorn he's holding when he saw Jamie's limp body in my arms.

Then of course he runs over and starts asking like a million questions. I ignore him but notice a purple haired girl behind him who looks really sad for some reason. I hate love triangles.

I leave him and go into the infirmary but he follows right after me. Slender isn't in so I use my mind to shout at him until I get his attention. He teleports outside the doors and walks in, sighing over the fact that Jamie was always in the damn infirmary.

Gold, of course, follows us in. Nosy little shit. He hovers over her, brushing her short hair to the side. Slender reads her vitals, then looks at me.

"Are you sure it was the sandman?"

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "Go through my memories. He was there."

Slender nods."I think it's time I move you guys. How does staying on the top floor sound?"

"I know most people are excited for that penthouse suite but those stairs are going to kill me."

"It is a necessary evil."

Gold looks at us. "The sandman? He offered her a deal? But why? He only does that with people who. . ."

"Figured it out? Yup, Jamie here wants to be a mama. She was just about to say yes when I walked in."

He looks down at her, his eyes sad. "Oh."

I almost feel bad for him. I, for one, try to avoid people. They're too complicated, have too much problems. Take Jamie for example. She has so many problems, someone could probably write a book about her life. Or many books. I've met her twice and already I've had to save her both times. It can't be easy to care about someone with that many problems. I haven't had anyone to care about for a long time now.

Behind us, the doors suddenly burst open and a red-head girl walks in, a bag of Chinese takeout in her hand. She's fuming, her face almost as red as her hair.

"I leave you for a few minutes and you're back in the infirmary? Will you stay out of trouble for once?" She screams, seemingly at everyone in the room.

From the bed, a quiet voice says, "Oh, I love Chinese."

I turn around in time to see Jamie pass out again. This girl, I swear. 


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