Alone in the DR- Part 6

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Letty's POV

I woke in the morning with the dried tracks of tears sticky on my cheeks. Our last day together wasn't anyone's idea of a romantic honeymoon but it was perfect for us. We spent the day together doing what we did best in something that we loved the most, a fast car. For us there was no better way to pass a day.

Rolling out of bed I realised it was early in the morning. No matter though. I showered and dressed. I quickly made toast and ate it as I stood in the kitchen watching as the first rays of sunshine touched the pavement. It was only after six in the morning. I tied my hair up in a messy ponytail and headed out into the garage.

The only time my concentration was broken from my work was when my car arrived after two. Seeing my car made me smile like I'd gone insane. My baby was finally parked in the driveway. My eyes raked over it checking for scratches and dinges. There were none. I paid the guy and signed off on it as was their policy.

For a few minutes I was enthralled by having my car back. I'd only been without it a couple of days but I'd really missed my baby. Running my fingers over the perfect finish on the car and its glossy paintwork I was itching to go for a drive. To be seen in this car. Even if the car scene wasn't what it used to be, it didn't matter, I could probably bring the scene back to what it was if I tried. Maybe I'd do that. It would give me a purpose here. If I raced well and showed everyone how it was done then it would inspire others to do that same or up the ante and prevent people getting complacent.

I turned back to my work. I made myself work through to dinner. The idea of Dom's car being here when he came home pushed me onwards. Though it also presented me with a problem, how was I to bring Dom home? That was a problem I didn't yet possess an answer to.

Friday night rolled in quickly. I threw on skinny black black and a tank top paired with combat boots and a cropped red bikers jacket Dom had bought me years ago because I was always stealing his. I persuaded Mia to come with me just like she used to. With a feigned reluctance she agreed and dressed in jeans and a hoodie, warning me I'd be freezing later on.

Ten o clock hit and in the cover of as much darkness as the well lit streets of LA could allow, the racers assembled. I climbed out of my car and scanned my eyes across the sea of imports. In a crowd of what I imagined to be somewhere in the region of seventy cars I could pick out four muscle cars.

It wasn't until I pulled my attention away from the cars that I realised eyes were on me. An unsettling silence settled over those closest to me as they ceased with their conversation. Then as if all at once they started mumbling and the words, "It's Letty Ortiz! She's back!" Soon resounded in the air. Mia and I watched in amusement as some of the racer chasers dispersed to find more of their own kind to pass along the gossip that Letty Ortiz, the Letty Ortiz, was back in LA and was immersing herself back into the car scene.

It wasn't long until I was challenged to a race by a cocky little runt of a boy. He looked about my age, twenty eight, but he was arrogant, conceited which in my books detracted from any skill he had in the car. Arrogance never won anyone a race.

"So she returns," the guy announced to the crowd. Clearly he had assumed Dom's throne when we'd fled LA almost five years ago.

I scoffed. I was not impressed by his swagger like the rest of the crowd.

"Not impressed? Wait til you see my car," he said as he gestured towards a beautifully kept Mazda. It was quite similar to the one which Dom had had a couple of years back. A newer model but it was apparent to me that this guy thought he was Dominic Toretto. Nothing more than a wannabe.

I smirked as I thought of the line we'd stated many times in the last nine years. "You know, everyone happens to know a few things and one of the things we knows is, it's not how you stand by your car, it's how you race your car." The words spilled out dripping with sarcasm.

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