Alone in the DR- Part 5

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Mia's POV

Letty had returned home as suddenly as she had vanished. Something in her had shifted. She seemed down, depressed. Something had happened between Dom and her in the DR. Whatever it was it was telling very plainly on Letty. She was anxious, restless, her foot tapping when she sat, her fingers rapping on tables. Even when we talked she seemed removed. Her eyes, once filled with fight, were now dulled with a pain she didn't seem to be able to vocalise or rather want to vocalise.

I came home from my twelve hour shift that Wednesday and stood for a second in the driveway, watching as she stood bent over the engine of that goddamn curse of a car. Her arms were spotted with grease and her hair was falling over her face. From what I could see of her face a sad smile rested on her lips like what she was doing was making her happy for the wrong reasons.

I headed into the house after a busy day on the wards. Carefully I made chips and steak. My mind was half lingering on Letty. What was going on with them? Normally when she returned home she'd natter about their most recent heist. I'd seen the news a couple of days ago and there had been a story about an oil tank explosion, immediately I'd known it had been them. Only they could pull off something on that scale and destroy the entire place doing it. Yet she hasn't mentioned it, barely breathed a word about the DR as if what had happened there couldn't ever be mentioned.

Heading to the open door I called for Letty. I didn't like going into the garage because it brought to mind far too many memories of my Father. I missed him still, even after nine years. Time doesn't exactly heal all wounds even though that's what everyone tells you.

Letty's POV

Mia calling my name broke my focus. I sighed and tore myself away from my task. I was slightly surprised she was already home. It could hardly be six already.

Mia had dinner sitting on the dining room table and the smell of steak wafted towards me, inviting me in. We said Grace together before lapsing into a comfortable silence.

"How was work today?" I asked Mia.

Mia frowned and mused over her answer carefully. "Busy, like always. I'm kind of exhausted now." She seemed to ponder over something for a moment before asking, "What did you do today?"

"I went to Harry's paid for the parts I ordered, ordered some more. Met Hector on my way out, talked about street racing. He was saying they still run on Fridays in the same place."

"You for going on Friday?" Mia asked in mild interest as she raised an eyebrow at me.

I nodded. "Yeh my car will hopefully be here tomorrow."

"I'll come with you. I haven't been in a while," Mia insisted with a grin.

While Mia had never enjoyed being in the drivers seat to the same extent that the rest of us always had, she did love watching the races. Often we got her to hold the money for us or count it. I always felt like the main thing for Mia was seeing everyone else happy.

"Did you ever go without us?" I joked.

"Yeh a few times. The driving ain't as good as it once was though," she admitted as she started clearing up.

I helped her and as we did the dishes she turned to me. "You remember our first street race?"

"Yeh Dom wiped out right next to me," I nodded as I dried the dishes.

Mia shook her head as she recalled it. "You know, until it came to you Dom was always so cool."

I laughed, my husky laugh lingered in the air for a few seconds. Then I realised I wasn't entirely sure what Mia had meant. "How'd you mean?"

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