Chapter 6

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Alex had put Bella asleep and went back to Mia's room.

Mia: Alex. Quick question

Alex: shoot

Mia: how did you adopt her don't you have to be 18 or up?

Alex: uuh I might have told a white lie

Mia: if course you did. I'm sleeping on the couch.
(It's weird because it's in her room... Her room is pretty big)

Alex: no that's okay.

Mia: but you're my guest. I don't want you to

Alex: and I don't want you to sleep on the couch.

Mia: fine, you win.

Mia went into the bathroom to get changed into Sleepwear so while she was gone Alex changed into some Basketball shorts that Bella had just told them she brought clothes for him too.

Alex: Night

Mia: Night.
{Turns the lamp of next to her}

Back to Bella

Bella Tosses and turns in the bed. She finally just gets out of the bed and walk around the hall looking for either Mia or Alex. She walks into Mia's room and sees both of them asleep. She walks over to Mia.

Bella:{whispers} Mi Mi.

Bella:Mi Mi?

Mia: (mumbles) what

Bella: I'm scared

Mia:(opens her eyes to see Bella staring back down at her.) Oh. Izzy come here.

Bella:(climbs on the bed and looks at Mia)

Mia: what are you scared of

Bella: everything.

Mia: okay. What will make you feel better?

Bella: can I stay with you?

Mia: I figured you would say that come on.

Bella: thank you.

Then Her phone dings causing both of them to jump.
It was a notification that read
Thunder storm warning.
Strong winds might occur
Huh how convenient she though sarcastically

Mia: great. Just great


Bella: ah! What was that?

Mia: nothing just trying to go to sleep okay?

Bella: uh huh.

Bella slides under the covers trying to ignore the sounds of Thunder outside.

Mia:You know what I wanna show something.

Bella: okay?

Mia:(grabs her hand and takes her to the window) what do you see out there?

Bella: I see thunduw. Thundur.
I can't say I right.

Mia: No what's the glowing called?

Bella: Lightning?

Mia: yes! Every time you see it light up the sky. The storms just a minute away. Wanna count with me?

Bella:{holds onto Mia's arm} mmh

Both: 1......2...........3


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