I will try

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Me: well no has given me dares to do do. I guess I dare Cyborg to eat a piece of tofu. Small not a big piece. Same goes to Beast boy but eat a piece of meat. Raven I dare you to where something that has pink. I dare robin to eat one of star fire cooking and stafire I dare you to kill a flower.
Also guys people can now come in to this truth or dare book.
Lj: So Cyborg your up.
Cyborg: do I have too.
Lylah: yes (this is the correct way for it to be spelled sorry.
Cyborg: ugg...
Beast boy: hahahahaha
Amanda: but bb you have to eat meat after cyborg.
Bb: oh snap.
Cyborg: uh okay...(he takes a small piece and swallowed it. One second later it runs to the bathroom.)
Me: well that was fun. Let's wait for cyborg to come back so he can see beast boy eat meat.
Bb: why do you always call me beast boy and not bb.
Me: u don't deserve the title.
Five minutes later.
Cyborg: I'm back that was horrible.
Lj: it's bb turn.
Bb: ugg. (Eats a piece of meat) why (and runs to the bathroom)
Me: that was super fun.
Lylah: Raven turn.
Five minutes later.
Raven: a pink bow.
Mandy: okay.
Lj: now robin starfire already made the food so try it.
Robin: hey it's not bad.
Lylah: good.
Star: now I will kill the flower.
Star kills flower.
Me: okay bye guys.

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