Chapter 11

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Belinda's POV

There is no way this is my sister mum

Okay cool down so you guys go to the same school and don't get along this could change everything my mum said

There is no way mum! Emily said

She is my mum!! I shouted

After 30 minutes of arguing

Okay mum I think we will get along but we are not sharing the same room when I get here on 2 weeks !

And mum you are invited to my birthday party on Friday it is until midnight my actual birthday

Okay am sure to come my mum said

Thanks bye see you next week and we went out and got into the car

That was some serious drama and I can't believe Emily is going to be your sister forever Sandra said

I know unbelievable I can't stand that girl I said

Well you better pray you get along Sandra said

Yeah and sorry for keeping you waiting I said

It is okay has long as I have done my homework Sandra said

Yeah we finally got to Sandra's house

Thanks bye she said

I got to my house by 7:00 PM and my parents were a little worried

What took you so long my mum said

I had visited my mum and I had to drop Sandra I said

Okay you want casserole my mum offered

No I want to go sleep

I went up my room and put on my PJ's and tried sleep but couldn't ,like why me I had to live with that stupid self centered girl at the thought of this I finally slept

My alarm woke me up and I took a shower and wore a pink crop top with flowers on it and I wore a white Tommy skirt and wore a black heeled boot little make up and grabbed my book bag and went downstairs

Good morning mum, good morning dad

I had to make breakfast because my mum was pregnant and I made yam and eggs when I finished breakfast I went outside to get my car from garage

I drove to school and 40 minutes I was in school

I walked to the hall way and saw Sandra

Hey I said

Hi she said

So have you gotten ready for your date

Yeah what do you think red T-shirt with yellow polka dots and black jeans with sandals

Since it is a movie it is okay she said

Okay bye my class is starting

I went to class and sat with Jake

Hi I said

Hey I heard rumors saying Emily is your sister is it true he asked

Yes it is but don't tell anyone and I can say am not happy to be moving to the death house because of Emily

He chuckled am sure you will get along anyone can change

Hey will you still be available for the date he asked

It is a date I thought yeah I will

Okay nice he said

The bell rang and since it was Friday everyone from grade 10-12 had free time for one hour

So you want to go for ice cream for your free time he asked

Sure I said

We spent our time laughing and talking about our life experience
It was remaining only ten minutes left for our free time

When we were walking out our hands touched and we looked at ourselves and we kissed! and I blushed like crazy and I wanted it to never end

We finally got to school before the time

So I guess we are boyfriend and girlfriend he said

Yeah but you have girlfriend I said

No broke up with her two weeks ago he said

Okay and I kissed his cheek bye see you tomorrow

Bye and he smirked

I was so happy that day and went to class before I could be late

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