chapter 5 - "The school's costume party"

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Emily's POV

You failed me I told you to stay there and tell no one to go inside so they couldn't help her said Emily

Am sorry I still had to make a excuse for not helping her said Betty

We need another plan said Emily

Okay said Betty

I got it we could embarrass her by inviting her to a " costume party" Emily doing bunny ears with her fingers

Hahaha cool so when is it going to take place said Betty

In school duh we need to embarrass her to the whole school said Emily

True said Betty

So bye see you after school

Belinda's POV

Hey Betty ready for some ice cream after school said Belinda

Sorry I can't do ice cream said Betty

Why? Said Belinda

Well !y grandpa is sick I need to visit him said Betty

Oo okay sorry said Belinda

Hey I almost forgot we are having a costume party at school and everyone has to wear a costume said Betty

But it wasn't in the morning announcement I said

Yeah they probably forgot said Betty

So when is it? I said

Next week Wednesday said Betty

Okay see you at lunch I said

Jake's POV

I went to Mr James' class just five minutes late and he told me to seat at the back of the class with some weird girl named Belinda

Hi so are you excited for the costume party next week Wednesday said Belinda

Yeah pretending to know what she was talking about so she will get off my back.

So which costume are you going as said Belinda

A pirate arggh I said still lying and confused

Well am going has a zombie cheerleader said Belinda

Yeah but don't cheer to eat my brains I said

Hahaha I will try not to Belinda said

The bell of the class room rang and I was taking God

That girl is so weird which stupid costume party am the coolest guy in school I would have known thought Jack

Belinda's POV

I walked across the hall to look for Betty I finally found her in the library .

Hey want to help me with my costume?

No shouting in the library said the librarian

Sure but not today you know my grandpa is sick said Betty

O yeah totally forgot so bye I said

Bye said

Times Are HardTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang