“I saw you and Chloe, the way you looked at her, the gestures, notes, laughs, I saw it all Embry and here I thought we were Bros” I said standing myself

“Man I am going to tell you straight up…….. I’m Chloe’s Guardian protector that was what the look was, the note had your number on it and the laughing man we were joking and playing around, it meant nothing to me in the way” he said “But between us, if I end up with wings I’m gonna go mental” and I chuckled at the thought of him running round the forest with these fairy wings

“What you finding funny man?” Embry asked pushing me slightly

And I broke into a full on laugh “You with……f-fairy…..w-w-w-w-wings!” and he started laughing to

i finally sobered up a little and looked at Embry

Sighing i said“Look I’m sorry for punching you” I was sincerely sorry. i didnt know the full story and id jump to conclusions

“Yeah I’m sorry for biting you” he said looking down at his feet

“YOU BIT ME?!?!?!” I didn’t even realize he had bit me

He just nodded grinning like the mad man he is

We sobered up a bit more from the laughing fit and sat on the ground

“Just don’t hurt her okay?” Embry asked “I’m her Guardian, I gotta make sure she is happy and safe man” he said looking me dead in the eyes

“I wouldn’t dream of hurting her in anyway, if I did I would never forgive myself” I said replying as fast as the question came

“I know you wouldn’t but if you do, I’m gonna beat your ass” he said threatening me

I put my hands up in mock surrender


Chloe pov

I was back in the forest running again

I could feel the closer to me as I ran this time

I didn’t want to cheek either side of me

I know all I would see is a blur but I knew exactly who they were

Just like the last time I tripped

Turning my body I saw they were already here

Coming closer to me they scratched, punched, kicked, and pulled my hair

I screamed out in pain

Whimpering as they continued enjoying my pain

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I yelled sitting up in my bed, eyes wide open, hair matted on my face, glowing red angry scratch marks along my arms and legs, my head hurt and I knew I would have a few bruises in the morning

My mom came crashing into my room and I burst into tears. I couldn’t help it

She came to me and hugged me soothing me with a lullaby

When my sobs had turned to hiccups she turned me to face her

“You need to explain this to me” mom said in a soft but stern voice

“In this nightmare, I am being chased through the woods by two people, just before they attack I trip over a rock or tree root and it is too late for me to get up, they close in on me, scratching at my skin” I said looking at my arms which still glowed and angry red. Mom looked down at them to “they pull on my hair, kick and punch me laughing while they inflict pain. They enjoy it” I was in tears again

“I can’t believe it’s hurting you physically to so we can see the damage done” she said hugging me once again

“I will *sniffle* be fine I am *hiccup* just gonna read” I said trying to convince both of us I will be okay and nothing will hurt me

She nodded kissing my head again “Okay, just call if you need us” and she left the room

Two nights in a row. I’m gonna hate sleep if this doesn’t finish soon I thought

So sniffling and hiccupping away I pick up the book I had started reading early hours of yesterday morning

This is going to be a long night and I don’t particularly feel like having this torture drag out either.

The one thing I was grateful for mom about when she asked questions was that she never asked who they were. That would not have ended well.


well here you are another chapter which i hope you enjoy




Chloe xx

How can i live this way?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang