Back Together

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Blue Flash's POV:

Ever since that incident with Party, we became distant. We hardly talked to eachother, or even made eye contact. It was really hard for me to cope with this, and I think the other killjoys started to notice.

My wounds had finally healed, so one day we went out to get supplies from a gas station. Since it was my first car ride in a long time, I got to sit in the front seat. It was only Ghoul, Jet, Party and I in the car, since Kobra and Storm decided to stay home and practice shooting targets. When we got there Ghoul and Jet got out first.

"You two stay here, we will be back." Ghoul said.

Jet gave me a look and I knew they were leaving us here in hopes that we would make up. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, sitting back in my seat. I noticed Party glance at me out of the corner of his eye. As we made eye contact, he quickly looked away.

After an awkward silence that seemed to last hours, Party spoke up, "I'm sorry for what happpened Blue... I really am."

"Why are you sorry? I should be the one who is sorry for running away for all that time." I said, frowning.

He sighed and said, "And I'm the one who ruined our relationship. I want things to be like they used to be. Can we get past this and just forget about what happened?"

I looked over at him and we made eye contact for the first time in weeks. I leaned over and hugged him. He hesitated at first but eventually hugged me back.

I whispered, "I would love that."

We pulled away from the hug and he smiled before kissing me. At that moment I forgot about all my problems, and that we even broke up in the first place.

It lasted until we heard Ghoul and Jet cheering from outside. We both jumped when they opened the doors and we glared at them.

Ghoul spoke up first, "So tell us the news! Did you guys make up?"

Party rolled his eyes at Ghoul and said, "Yes. We did. Now would you keep it down? With all that noise you were making outside you would have attracted dracs from miles away!" We all laughed as Party drove home.

Party and I held hands on our way into the diner. Kobra and Storm were waiting for us all at the front doors. They noticed we were holding hands and smiled at us.

"Who's up for some truth or dare on the roof?" Storm yelled.

Everyone aggreed to it so we made our way up to the roof. When everyone was up there, Storm started.

"Alright. Blue, truth or dare?" She asked.


Without any hesitation she asked, "Are you and Party finally back together?"

I looked around the group and noticed all eyes were on me. I started to get a little nervous until Party put his arm around my shoulder.

"Yes. We are back together. And I regret us not being together for the past few weeks." Party said and everyone awwed.

He pulled me closer to him and I leaned my head on his shoulder. We continued playing truth or dare for hours until we all ran out of ideas and were too tired to keep playing. It was dark outside when we decided to stop.

"We should head inside now. We all seem really tired." Jet said, standing up.

Party and I stood up and held hands as we walked inside. I guess crazy stories can have happy endings afterall.


Thank you guys so so so so SO much for reading this story. I never thought I would finish it, but I finally did and I hope you guys liked it. Also, we hit 1k reads!! Thank you guys so much. Well until next time.


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