Easy Peasy Pumpkin Peasy

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Blue Flash's POV:

I woke up early the next morning and made a cup of coffee. Just as it finished brewing, I saw Storm come down the hallway.

"Morning." I said with my morning pokerface.

"Morning" she mumbled with the same facial expression and made her coffee.

It started off as a typical morning; Storm and I chatting about random stuff, until we heard Dr. D's voice come through our radio.

"Dracs in Zone 6. Should be easy enough for just a few killjoys to take down." His staticy voice said.

I sighed and asked Storm, "Should we go?"

"Why the hell not?" She replied and I giggled quietly as we grabbed our guns and headed out the door.


We parked our motorcycles on the side of the road and ran into battle. As I was dodging laser beams, I shot at a few dracs, killing them on the spot. I looked over and saw Storm doing the same. We easily took down the small group of dracs and blew the steam off of our guns.

I walked over to Storm and said, "This shit is easy peasy pumpkin peasy...." I paused. "PUMPKIN PIE MOTHERFUCKER!" we both yelled at the same time and laughed our asses off.

Our laughter quickly faded away as we saw a car pull up. Guess who?

The 4 killjoys we saw yesterday.

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