Intrigue and Irritation

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Guren's P.O.V

I regain my consciousness in brief bursts, then I try to open my eyes. Light bathes my vision, as the world around me becomes illuminated. Groggily I sit up and stretch my arms out over my head. It feels as if a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders, there is no monster looming in the back of my mind. I search for Mahiru but she isn't there. I look down at my hands, closing them and turning them to test if this is a dream. It isn't. I breathe a sigh of relief. "You're free from her now." A reckless and familiar voice vaunts. I lift my head to see the familiar faces of Shinoa and Yuu looking down at me.

"So the witch is dead." I snicker, but it turns to a violent cough. The air in my throat still sears. I survey the room and see the rest of the reckless brigade staring intently at me. Even the vampire, who is Yuu's family, gives me a reassuring 'welcome back' smile. I snicker to myself. How useless am I if I have to be saved by this pathetic bunch. I feel my heart warm inside of my chest. I am proud of them. Guilt then overtakes my emotions and I look Shinoa in the eye.

"I'm sorry Shinoa. I used your sister for my own selfish purposes. But, luckily my karma caught up with me. I didn't love her." I chuckle awkwardly, but she just stares at me with confusion. "I knew the only way to gain power and climb the ranks was to get into bed with the Hiiragi family. And well, for a nobody like me, the idea captivated me. So, I got close with your sister. But, after what happened that day, I lost all sense of logic and reason and acted out of impulse." I cringe at my own words and hang my head in shame.

"What happened on what day?" Yuu questions with curiosity in every syllable.

"The first girl to try for a cursed gear, a classmate of mine, was possessed. I still remember the sound of her screams as blood spilled from her eyes and mouth. The thought of it makes me sick." I gag and hold my stomach. "Then she disappeared and on that day I swore I would never watch another friend fall victim to the demons. No one should ever have to suffer that terrible fate. When your sister got possessed, I took hold of the opportunity and used her power to gain the strength I needed to protect the people around me."

"So that's why you were so hesitant to let me get my cursed gear. I'm sorry for being so insolent." Yuu remarks with distain. I just laugh at his distress and he growls at me with anger.

"You do realize that because of your possession, you killed both vampires and members of the Imperial Demon Army during their little Seraph fiasco." I look down at my hands in shame and nod my head. I have made a mistake, but I cannot change the past. I can only decide my future. She continues with brute force. "When you decided to align with the Hiiragi's were you aware of their goals? Were you working on the Seraph research to aid them in their cause?" Shinoa interrogates me with unwavering determination. But, I have nothing to hide.

"I used the opportunity to pursue research in order to make my own seraph of the end. That is why I needed Yuu... I was going to use him to stop the Seraph the Hiiragi's were creating. You can only defeat a demon with a demon. Vampires and humans are nowhere near strong enough. Speaking of which, Mahiru has been defeated for good right? That means a demon had to destroy her! Congratulations Yuu!" I cheer with a proud smile, but Yuu looks away from me with distain. I contort my face with confusion. "It had to be you Yuu? You're the only demon here. That's what demons are good for! Brute force and slaughter!" There comes a loud crash from outside of the door and a couple of soda cans roll across the floor.

"Actually, the demon who saved you was (f/n) (l/n), the girl from your class who got possessed. She spent 5 years trying to free herself from her demon, Yashirohira. She's a half human, half demon now because she physically defeated the demon." Yuu explains to me carefully. My jaw drops with amazement. There is no way a human would have the strength to defeat a demon, not to mention the King of demon's. I try to speak, but the words are caught in my throat and all I can do is stutter. The moment she walks through the door, I am rendered speechless. Her stature is confident yet shy. Her aura emits an essence of beauty that I cannot explain. The black hood that hides her physique makes her all the more interesting. This girl has me intrigued.

"Yuu's right, I am the one who saved you. But, I guess saving selfish humans like you is all us demons are good for." She sneers and I chuckle at her witty remark. This girl has some bite to her, all the more interesting. Yuu interrupts the serious and tense moment with his nonsense.

"If Mahiru is defeated, then that means he no longer has a cursed gear. Guren is completely useless now." My eyebrow twitches with shock and irritation. I hear (f/n) snicker hysterically and I shoot her a menacing gaze, but she just taunts me. "That also means I have the strongest weapon in the group!" Everyone sighs in unison.

"I'm pretty sure (f/n) could kick your ass so don't get your hopes up." Kimizuki quickly retorts. Yuu hides in the corner and pouts. A depressing aura rises in the air. We all chuckle at him and tease.

"Yuu does have a point. Guren will be vulnerable and a liability without a weapon. " Shinoa adds, which sets my blood on fire. How could a powerful lieutenant colonel end up like this? I contort my face with disappointment and disgust. "If (f/n) is a demon, I wonder if they can make a contract?" Everyone erupts into bickering. (f/n) and I both scream together.

"There is no way that I would ever make a contract with that asshole." We bawl in unison. We growl at each other and start throwing fists. Shinoa steps in and separates us. (f/n) turns the opposite direction and crosses her arms to pout.

"Think of it this way. You just used precious time and effort to save Guren. If he is useless in our fight to unite the humans and vampires, then all that time and effort was wasted." Shinoa teases and I shoot her a look of bloodlust, but she simply shrugs it off and walks over to (f/n). After a few seconds of contemplation, (f/n) turns around and points her finger in my direction.

"I'm already aggravated by your presence. Knowing I wasted my skills on you will just aggravate me more. Be ready to train tomorrow morning at 6:30 sharp. If you drag me down, I will leave you behind as a vampire snack." She sneers in my face. I just smirk and chuckle to myself. A girl with a bit of bite is interesting.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I tease and flash her a condescending grin. She just cringes and turns to walk away. But, I can feel the intense crimson blush emanate around her. For the first time in my life, my heart has felt unconditionally warm. 

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