Contest 1 - July 20-27

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Welcome to the very first contest!!!! Now since summer has just kicked off with a bang, that's the theme of today's contest. I really want to check out your abilities, so I'm leaving it open ended. You can write a short story, a poem, a haiku or just a paragraph. You can choose from one of the three writing prompts below:

1. Meeting the guy of your dreams on holiday.

2. Lying on the beach with your best friend and then something [amazing/magical/terrifying/crazy/wonderful] happens.

3. Going on a summer camp to discover [Sarah the school bully/Tommy your crush/A fan fiction character of your choice/Your crazy maths teacher] is there too.

Please start a new book, title it Writing Contest Entries Tag it #writingcontestentries54321 and title the chapter Contest One.

Entry Form

At the top of your chapter you need an entry form as follows:
You can make up a fake persona if you don't want to tell me your name.

Contest: 1
Prompt Chosen: 1/2/3

And then place your entry below.


UK:  July 27th 23:00
SPAIN: July 28th 00:00
CANADA: July 27th 18:00
LOS ANGELES: July 27th 15:00
AUSTRALIA: July 28th 08:00
JAPAN: July 28th 07:00
CHINA: July 28th 06:00
INDIA: July 28th 03:30
ISRAEL: July 28th 01:00

If I haven't included your time zone please comment and I'll add it.

I guess that's all, except for one hearty GOOD LUCK!

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