»Cocky Jock« (T)

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Name: Jackson Timmerson

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Sexuality: Straight

Job: None

Looks: He is quite tall at 6'1 ft. He has ashy blonde hair and blue eyes. He has nice sized muscles and a six pack. There is a tattoo of a flame that goes around his right bicep.

Personality: He is cocky and a can be arrogant at times. He can be very stubborn at times and have a really bad attitude. He can be a big jerk and is witty. People say that he's a player because of his good looks and bad boy attitude; which he is one. Though he doesn't consider himself it. If you're lucky enough to get really close to him, you'll see how he really is on the inside: selfless and caring.

Background: Before Mikey, his little brother, was born, his parents were always on business trips so they almost never had anytime for him; which explains why he's such a bad boy and a player. He did it for attention.

Likes: Football, basketball, girls, getting his way, himself,

Dislikes: Not getting what he wants, his hair getting messed up, anything school or learning related

Other: None

Scenario: Make one up


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