UnStable- chapter 1

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How sure are you of solid things? Who's to say I'm real? Who's to say you are real. Every time I close my eyes I hear things unexplainable things that most can't imagine. But then again I can do things that your superheroes can't do something that can't be described and it happens every time I sleep or focus hard with my eyes closed ... I've never seen it happen. Not even a glimpse, only sounds. I'm scared, paranoid, and out casted but I'm not crazy I'm not! It wasn't always this way but I can't go back now it's funny I was never offered a blue pill that would wake me up and I would forget this like a dream. I'm suicidal but I know it's impossible for me to suicide... I've tried, multiple times. I wish I could close the book but this isn't my favorite novel where I can just close the book and the world can be forgotten or some game where I can save and quit. (Blue skies starts playing in the background) I hate that song with everything I have! Even though just last year it was my favorite joyfully singing along every time I heard it back when I was normal. I can't even stomach it anymore I change the station but I can still hear it in my head. My head (I reach up and gently put my hand on it and a jolt of pain goes from my hand to my head to my left big toe.) I want to yell but that might tell them where I am. Why am I bleeding? 'The radio!' I think out of nowhere and turn it off. Too late I hear them growling flooding up the ramps of the abandoned car garage. I run to the roof which is 5 stories away and the growl turns into a hiss and the hiss is getting louder. Run... Closer. I think I see one when I turn the corner. Run. I just barely escape to the roof where I jump without hesitation onto the freeway knowing that are as fearless as I am I don't stop. And neither do they I get on the ground and army crawl across the lanes. I try to block out the deafening sound of hover cars flying above me and dipping over my location. They are faster than me because they crawl on all-fours anyway. I make it to the other side and start running while the oxygen slowly empties from my lungs. I'm pushing through the crowd pushing them down. People are getting offended and babies are crying but they wouldn't cut through the crowd they to like to stay hidden. I've lost them for now. I place my hand on my chest and feel my heartbeat grow faster. I need to find somewhere empty. Looking around I see an alley between 4 apartment buildings.

Breathing heavy to help me calm I state the obvious out loud in a whisper. "I am 14 years old. I am a girl. My name is Aelita. I am an outsider. I ran away from home. I am alone... I am alone... I'm not crazy. No one can help me. No one can understand me." I swiftly turn around as if someone grabbed my shoulder. I see nothing but a wall. I get up and try to concentrate taking deep breaths slowing my heart rate and close my eyes. Instantly I fell and hear my world being warped. Changed. Devastated. Being rearranged. Changed imagining a cup filled with water, when I open my eyes I see the cup. Let's see that's the 2nd no 3rd time out of 8 that I successfully controlled what appeared I take the journal out of my bag and mark #3/8. I yawn I decide to climb up to the top of one of the buildings and try to sleep. 'Mom can you hear me I miss you I wish I could come home but I'm afraid they'll kill you. I'm sorry for running away. I'm sorry for not saying goodbye. I love you mom tell dad I love him.' I see my eyes getting blurry once. I'm fighting back tears but can't hold and I silently cry until I fall asleep.

"Move!" a girl says and pushed me down my left-hand curls up into a fist. I spin around so momentum puts more in the punch. My elbow is grabbed mid-swing "Don't, You know what happened last time." Another girl says from next to me- Jen "You know what's different from last time." I angrily reply "You don't even know how it works. Let alone how to control it. You can't use it every time Axer steps to you; you need to calm down 'Leta." Axer turns around and says. "Not like you could have done much 'Leta" I'm on the brink of tears and step forward she didn't say my, name she spat it and I'm done. I start running toward her and she runs away like the coward she is. Until she suddenly stops, turns around and pulls out a gun holding it right up to my temple. Freezing cold.

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