Chapter Fifteen

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You all are in for a big one tonight!

This chapter was wayyy fun to write. I remember that I literally finished it in about an hour and a half back in the day. You know, the day like a long time ago. 

Anyways, enjoy as usual

Stay chill.


Chasity's Perspective:

The bright light of morning woke me and I looked around to see band members and friends asleep in various places; Jacki was cuddled in Pat’s arms in an armchair across the room; Jared was on the floor in front of them, snoring; Alayna was in the loveseat with Kennedy in front of her; and I was on the couch, head in John’s lap.

I looked down at my own body and remembered that I’d changed out of my skinny jeans and into my Soffe shorts (that really ought to have been two sizes smaller) before we’d watched the movie I’d fallen asleep to. My white tank top had gotten bunched up to reveal half of my stomach and John’s hand on my hip while he slept (?), and it wasn’t until this moment that I realized that I’d had no nightmares – though it was quite possibly out of the fear of waking everyone else.

I yawned silently and got up, very careful not to wake anyone, and then headed to the kitchen to see what all there was to make breakfast with. There was nothing. What kind of boy doesn’t keep food around the house? I shut the fridge I’d been looking in and headed upstairs to the room John and I shared. I grabbed my hairbrush and combed through my locks of brown hair before searching my suitcase for clothing.

Pretty soon I was dressed in skinny jeans and my tank top (I had no clean shirts?) and was heading for John’s drawers to borrow a t-shirt (I knew he wouldn’t mind. He’d let me borrow shirts in the past), which shouldn’t have looked so big on me, considering how skinny he was. I shrugged to myself and slipped on my white All-Star Converse before going downstairs and into the kitchen, where I left John a note.


Went to go get food for breakfast/lunch. Be back soon.

Love, Chasity

P.S., I stole your shirt.

I taped the letter to the refrigerator and grabbed my keys before heading out to my car.

As I drove, I recalled yesterday’s events with a smirk.

John had called up all of his band mates to hang out (and not play cards) while I texted Alayna to come and keep me company, in case they really did end up playing kiddy games. She agreed and came over with Kenny (after getting her mom to ‘sit Zane for her) as we made sure there was plenty to eat and drink, as there were mostly guys coming over. That food had obviously gone fast, or else I wouldn’t have been driving to the grocery store all alone now while everyone else slept.

Garrett had gone home early that afternoon with no real explanation outside of “I have to go. Bye.”. He really was a very sweet boy, even if he didn’t always act it. I mean, yeah, he didn’t talk much, and he wasn’t always the nicest towards his brother (or his band mates, for that matter), he really was quite nice and caring, even if he wouldn’t admit to it. And though I would’ve liked it a lot if he smiled more (did I ever tell you what a great smile he has?), I really wouldn’t want to change a thing about that boy, or my relationship with him (we’d gotten a lot closer since the whole fight thing).

I parked the car and got out, heading inside the store after I’d locked up and all. I walked through the aisles and about fifteen minutes later, I had everything I needed to make breakfast and lunch for the boys (and two girls, other than me). After I’d checked out, I put the groceries in the car before locking up again so that I could walk down the street to get coffee from the shop not too far from where I was parked.

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