"Jude, are you there?" she asked.

He cleared his throat. "Yeah. Listen, I called you because I need some help."

"Oh? What with?"

"I happen to be babysitting Ella's kid and -"

Jude was interrupted by Jasmine's sudden outburst of laughter. He frowned and waited for her to finish. He waited. And waited. Her laughter didn't seem to be subsiding. He rolled his eyes. Why was this so amusing to her?

"Jasmine," he finally snapped.

Jasmine cleared her throat. "I'm so sorry," she said, and he could hear the laughter in her voice, "but it's just so funny."

"Are you going to listen to my problem or not?" he asked, frustration beginning to set in.

Her laughter had completely stopped now. "Let me guess. He won't do anything you ask him and he keeps on questioning you?"

"Yes, exactly."

"A tip. Just answer all his questions, or at least try. When he's satisfied, he's a good kid from there on out," she advised.

"I don't have all night."

"You don't have a choice either. He's pretty stubborn, and very brave," she replied. When Jude sighed, she piped up again. "You want me to come over?"

Jude was slightly taken aback. When he had called, he hadn't expected her to make this offer. He paused and weighed his options. On the one hand, there was him and the nosy little kid, alone. There was him being bombarded with questions and finally having to babysit the boy the whole time, alone. On the other hand, there was Jasmine, coming over and taking over the babysitting. There was witty conversation with a partner whose body made him want to commit all kinds of sin. He knew which one he wanted.

"Could you come over?"

"Of course."

"That would be awesome," he said, a slow smile.

"Cool. I'll see you in a bit."

He thanked her and hung up. He turned to go back out to the living room and he let out a small sound of fear. Josh was standing just behind him and looking up at him. When had he come into the kitchen and how hadn't Jude heard him?

The little boy just tilted his head and asked, "Who's coming over?"

Jude studied the very serene face of the little boy, and it creeped him out a little bit. He shook it off and told Josh that it was Jasmine that was coming over. His little face broke out into a grin and he started jumping up and down. Jude found himself smiling again. The little boy was just a bundle of contradictions, nothing like Mark's little boy, Tucker. Tucker was just a riot. He played in the sand and got himself all kinds of dirty, he played Soccer and baseball, and he played all the video games his little brain could handle. But Josh was more solemn, he studied things, asked questions and seemed to think things through a lot, something Tucker was not particularly fond of.


"Yes?" he answered as he looked down Josh, who was now looking at him with the most adorable puppy dog eyes. Jude panicked. What could he want that he felt he had to pull out what was probably one of the strongest tricks known to children, and some women?

"Can you give me a piggyback to the living room? My mom says I'm too heavy but Jon does it sometimes."

Jude heaved a sigh of relief. That was easy, and Josh had just put a bargaining chip in his hand. He put his hand on his chin and pretended to think about it for a while before he smiled. "I can do that."

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