Chapter 9

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"Emma, will you go on a date with me?" Jon asked, coming even closer.

Ella froze. Of all the things in the world, she had not been expecting that. A date? He wanted to go on a date with her? She knew they had an attraction, but she had never guessed that it would come to this. Especially now, with all her Caleb drama. She wanted to say yes, but it was really bad timing.

"Jon -"

"Look, I know it's weird with me being your mechanic and all that, but don't knock it till you try it, right?" Jon said with a beseeching smile.

He had just made things a little more difficult. He thought that she was going to refuse because of his job? Ella sighed with frustration. Maybe, he would understand if she explained. It was too soon to be laying her personal drama on him, but she didn't want him to get the wrong idea.

"Jon, I can't right now." Ella said with a sigh.

He nodded. "I understand."

"No, Jon. It's not you." she said quickly. He didn't reply, he just raised an eyebrow at her. He was going to make her explain. She heaved a sigh and continued. "It's bad timing. My ex, Josh's father just came to town."

"Oh, right." He said with a nod. He smiled. "It's okay, you guys have a son together. I won't get in the way of you two trying to make it work."

Ella frowned at him. Make it work? That's what he thought? She couldn't stop herself, she burst out laughing. Jon looked entirely confused, he raised an eyebrow at her. She composed herself. "Make it work? Me and Caleb? Oh no, honey. It could never." Her tone became more serious. "It's just, he's being a nuisance right now. I'm going to have a hard time convincing him to leave Josh and I alone."

Jon didn't ask any further questions, he just nodded. Ella took that as her cue. "I'm sorry. And thank you."

He nodded again. She figured there was nothing else to say. She got in her car and drove to Josh's school.


Ella stood in her kitchen, putting the meal of French fries and chicken on to plates for her and Josh. She heard a knock at the door and then Josh came into the kitchen.

"Mommy, there's someone at the door." He said dutifully. She had warned him several times that he was to never open the door for anyone without telling her first. She knew it was a bit paranoid but if it would keep him safe, then it was fine.

"Help me get it please." She said and he nodded and ran out of the kitchen. Why was he always running?

She heard the door open. The next thing she heard was Jasmine's voice. "Hey baby." She was probably squatting and hugging Josh.

"Hey!" Josh replied excitedly. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, baby." She said. "Where's your mom?"

"In the kitchen."

"Hey!" Jasmine said as she walked into the kitchen.

Josh had gone off to eat his dinner in the living room while he watched some cartoon or the other. Ella and Jasmine sat at the dining table.

"So. How are you?" Jasmine asked, they had been talking for a while so it was weird that this question was just coming up.

"Well. My week has been quite eventful." Ella said, poking a French fry with her fork. "For starters, Caleb showed up."

Jasmine gasped. "The bitch! What did he want?"

"To be honest, I have no idea. Something about seeing his son."

Jasmine jumped out of her chair. Rage clearly evaporating off her. "He did what? He had no right!" She shouted. "How did he even know where to find you?"

"Jazz. Calm down." Ella said gently, putting her hand on Jasmine's arm. "Josh is here."

Jasmine let out a huge sigh and sat down. She immediately picked up her fork and stabbed three French fries as though they were the cause of her anger. "How did he find you?"

"My parents." Ella replied.


"I know." Ella said. Then she smiled. "I have better news."

Jasmine just frowned at her. "I really don't see anything making me feel better."

"I got asked on a date." Ella said.

Jasmine's face transformed. In a second, there was a huge grin on her face. Then she squealed. "What? For real? You have a date?"

Ella sobered. "No, I couldn't say yes."

Jasmine's face transformed once again into a look of horror. "You did what?"

Personally, Ella thought she was overreacting. "I couldn't. I mean, I have a lot on my plate right now, I mean with Caleb coming back. I have to deal with that before I can go on a date." She explained.

Jasmine shook her head at Ella, still looking horrified. "So now, Caleb is taking away your freedom to date?"

"You know that that's not what it is."

"No, what I know is that a guy asked you out. A guy you're obviously excited about. And you said no. Because of Caleb. How do you interpret that?" Jasmine asked with both eyebrows raised.

Ella frowned, no longer confident in her point if view. "When you put it that way..." She let her voice trail off.

"You know I'm right." Jasmine said, sitting back with a smug smile on her face. "I can't tell you what to do, but what I think you should do, is pick up your phone and call this guy and ask if the offer's still open. And you better hope that it is, because I will give you hell."

"You done yet?" Ella frowned at her best friend. "I can't call him, that's kinda weird."

"Should have thought of that when you said no to him." Jasmine shrugged. "Do it." Jasmine encouraged.

"Fine." Ella accepted. Jasmine squealed.


What do you think Jon's reaction will be? Will he play hard to get? Will he say yes?

Anyway, this was kind of a filler chapter with a purpose.

Please Vote and Comment.

Song of the chapter:

James Arthur - Recovery. 🎵

Till next time!

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