Chapter 1

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"Night time sharpens heightens each sensation. Darkness stirs and wakes imagination. Silently the senses, abandon their defenses...... Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor. Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender. Turn your face away from the garish light of day. Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light. And listen to the Music of the Night."

I pause the movie when I hear noise. I silently slide up off the couch and walk through my apartment I'm sharing with my two best friends, Bridget and Nate. Bridg and I are 17 and Nate is 19. We have our own apartment because well Bridget's father owns the building and has a partnership with my mother. Anyway, back to my prowling. To see who interrupted my movie that I was busy singing to. Face it, the Phantom of the Opera is the best.

It's around 10pm, so I'm walking against the walls in the shadows finding my interruption. I turn the corner now near Bridget's room. It's dark so I slide through the door and look to see Bridget in the most odd pose ever. There's a paper weight at her feet.

What is she doing?

"What are you doing?" I ask.

She jumps, "I-uh-nothing."

"Because it seems as though your hiding Nate in your closet but pretending to be worrying about a paper weight at 10pm while I'm watching my movie in the dark."

"Wha-how?" Bridget freaks out.

I point the closet where we see Nate's head sticking out using his flashlight trying to not step on anything in Bridg's room. He slowly picks his head up to meet my angered expression. His was pure shock.

"NATE! I told you to stay there till I told you otherwise."

"Whoops" he replies running out the door.

"Don't interrupt me again!" I scold Bridget.

"Yes, Taylor." She replied holding her head down in shame.

I turn and walk out to go finish my movie. As I'm walking out I notice a phantom mask on top of all of her paper and homework on her desk. I grab it and sprint to my room. Bridget hates the Phantom of the Opera, why would she have a mask?

I sit on my dark red comforter and turn it around in my hands then lay it on my black pajama shorts. It looks like his mask........why is it here though? Why do I have the Phantom's mask in my hands? I'll sleep on it.

But I love Phantom too much, so I'll see what it's like to sleep in a mask. I put it on the right side of my face and it fits perfectly.


I lay down and turn off my light. Then I swiped the hair away from my eyes. I lay my head on my pillow drifting into a silent sleep.


I woke up but haven't opened my eyes yet and the memories flooded back from yesterday. I felt my right cheek and felt nothing there. I frown and open my eyes.

I'm seated in an old-fashioned carriage. Not my bed. I look down and see a lavender dress on my body and my brown hair is curled. I turn and look to see Patrick Wilson standing next to me holding the reins of two horses. I must have been staring for awhile because he turned and chuckled and said, "Taylor? Are you alright sister?"

Sister? I'm not his sister. I look around and see France in 1870. The carriage just passed by Opera Populaire. The Opera House! In Paris, France!

I turn to Patrick and surprisingly calm, I say, "Yes, I'm quite fine. Just admiring the views."

"Ah, very well then." He said turning back to the horses steering into the stables. He stops and steps out handing the reins to a stable boy. He walks around to me and holds my hand out.

"Thank you brother." I respond not knowing wether to call him Raoul or Patrick.

"Come this way sister we must present our family as patrons and you as a new dancer." he claims.

"Ah yes, dancing." I sigh. I don't know how to dance! Not ballet, especially. I follow as delicately as possible behind him.

He opens the door and we walk up the grand staircase to the opera stage. I look around and fangirling silently because I'm actually in THE Opera Populaire!!! As we're walking through backstage, I hear Andre and Firmin being introduced. Just as we walk on stage Raoul is being introduced as the new patron.

"Ah yes, my parents and I are honored to support all of the arts, especially the world renowned Opera Populaire! As for my sister here will also be starting as a new dancer for all of you as well." He states as he grabs me hand pulling me out further on stage.

I smile nervously and wave. I hear the ballerinas giggle. I scoff and roll my eyes. Amateurs. I look around the stage. There's Carlotta and Meg and Christine! Carlotta and Piangi get introduced to Raoul and I. Madame Giry shoos us off stage so they can continue practicing Hannibal.

We pass by Christine and Meg, not acknowledging them. Raoul drags me off to see where my room is. We pass by the Prima donna room. Where the Phantom's mirror is! Then Raoul stops and I slam into his back.

"Sorry." I say quietly.

"It's alright, sister. This is your room Madame Giry wanted me to show you. You will be rooming with her daughter, Meg and her friend." He said.

"Very well then, brother. Thank you. You best be on your way to prepare for the performance tonight." I say.

"You as well, dear sister." He said leaving.

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