( t a g g e d )

158 20 12

I was tagged by XiXi_Xiomara

Favorite song-
Brooo whaiii this is really hard ahh! Hmmm maaaaybee We Don't Believe What's on T.V. by Twenty Øne Piløts, Smoke by Pvris, All Time Low by Jon Bellion, or basically any Nirvana song (Rape Me)

Favorite sport-
Softball all the way fam

Favorite band-
Twenty Øne Piløts, Nirvana, All Time Low, Black Veil Brides, My Chemical Romance, Sleeping With Sirens... I could list more

Favorite Show-
This proobaby means not anime or cartoons soooo I guess my favorite show would be anything in the paranormal category

Favorite Movie-
The Mask

Favorite Color-
Pastel blue, pastel orange, maroon, black

Favorite food-

Favorite drink-
Chocolate milk, but not those gross school chocolate milks. I'm talkin' Hershey's syrup drizzled all over that milk mmmmm

Favorite video game-
Uhhh Undertale, Sims 4, Minecraft, and Halo 4 (shuddap I don't have an xbox one for halo 5 or overwatch)

Wellll it says I have to tag 15 people, but you all know I'm a lazy fart

I tag-

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