( s t o r y t i m e )

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Hey peeps

I'm bored

So Ima tell you all a story

Sit down

Git popcorn


Nahhh the story won't be thaaat good

Soooo today was the last day of an art camp that I went to. We all got a table to put our art works on. Everyone had one painting and a lot of pencil drawings. We got to invite people to come buy our art! Most of my drawings were realistic stuff.

I was setting up my stuff, and I guess it was the girl next to me's birthday. Her parents came in and started to embarass her so friggin bad. Basically everyone was watching the poor girl. Her parents kept saying stuff like "Happy birthday baby!!!" And stuff. They even decorated her table..

People started coming and looking at everyone's art work. I am really shy with people I don't know so when they complimented my art I just gave a weak "thanks" or "thank you".

A little bit later this girl came up to me and wanted to buy my anime drawing of this overwatch type girl.

*internal heavy breathing*

She bought the sketch for $2! I couldn't believe somebody wanted that drawing ahh. I had two versions, so when she bought it I just put the other up.

I sold a crap ton of art!! It was so cool. Everyone kept telling me how good I was, I was so freakin' happy.

Some kids sold their drawings for 4 dollars! That's a bit much, right? I mean, one kid got $100!!! His grandma bought all his art... Dang.

My family was there and they bought some stuff. My little sister really wanted my painting, so she bought it for $8.

At the end, the girl who was sitting next to me hadn't sold anything, and it was her birthday. I felt really bad for her. I decided that I should buy something. I asked hiw much one of her portraits were, she said it was a dollar. I had a 2 dollar bill, so I said "here, have 2". Now I feel nice.

But basically the whole time I was trying not to flip out, because y'know.

Total from selling art: $22
Final total: $20

Ahh that's it

Thanks for reading it all!

~ Cucumber-Chan

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